- The evidential reasoning algorithm for solving the multiple attribute decision making (MADM) problem is applied to evaluating the degree of customer satisfaction. 摘要文章将解决多目标决策问题的证据理论方法引入到对顾客满意度的评价中;
- evidential reasoning algorithm 证据推理算法
- D-S An evidential reasoning approach is proposed to evaluate the project of multi-reservoir flood control. 提出了利用D-S证据推理方法,对多水库联合防洪调度方案进行评价。
- A method named amendatory combination rule to solve the invalidation of the implementation of the DS evidential reasoning is given. 针对应用证据理论(D-S方法)解决多传感器条件下的数据融合过程中存在的失效问题,给出了修正合成规则;
- An evidential reasoning approach was employed to synthesize the reliability information of the components of each subsystem, further the reliability of the whole chemical eng... 文中以某工厂化工警报系统的可靠性评估阐述了该方法的应用情况。
- Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning to Risk Assessment of Ship Navigation System[A]Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response[C], 2007 . 胡甚平;方泉根;蔡存强.;基于贝叶斯网络推理的船舶航行风险评价[A]船舶航泊安全的新经验新技术论文集(上册)[C];2007
- Based on D-S evidential reasoning and fuzzy theory, this paper studies analog fault diagnosis by means of multiform circuit responses and varied diagnosis methods. 研究了基于多类电量测试信息及其多诊断方法融合的模拟电路故障诊断。
- A multi-resources data fusion system of submarine based on D-S evidential reasoning has been structured,and provides a feasible method to solve the problem of BPA distributing. 构建了基于D-S证据推理的潜艇多源信息融合系统,并就D-S证据推理过程中基本概率赋值的分配提出了一种可行的方案。
- Reasoning algorithm based on polychromatic setstheory for conceptual design of mechanical products is broughtforward. 提出基于多色集合理论的机械产品概念设计的推理算法。
- The research shows that the fuzzy reasoning algorithm of SCD is so effective in fault analysis. 研究表明:单值因果图的推理算法能实现模糊条件下的因果图推理,有效地进行故障分析。
- Its content mainly involves fuzzy causality diagram (FCD), dynamic reasoning of CD, reasoning algorithm of CDCS, and the application CD in complex system. 最后还对故障树和因果图进行了全面比较,提出了它们之间相互转换的方法。 本文针对复杂系统的模糊性,将模糊数学理论引入因果图,提出了模糊因果图理论和推理算法。
- Aiming at the solution of sub-function of mechanical movement, the reasoning algorithm based on designing specification and redefinition of problem solution was put forward. 针对机械运动子功能的求解,提出了基于设计说明和问题解重定义的推理算法。
- dempster-shafter evidential reasoning D-S证据法
- Dempster- shafer' s evidential reasoning 证据理论
- The fuzzy reasoning algorithm based on Fuzzy colored Petri nets is indicated in detail.Also a workflow model based on CPN and FCPN for a simple design process is developed and analyzed. 文中详细分析了基于模糊着色Petri网的推理算法,给出了一个基于CPN和FCPN的简单业务流程的工作流模型,并对该模型进行了分析。
- In addition, this study utilizes Hybrid Adaptive Reasoning Algorithm to improve research efficiency on Ubiquitous Computing Environment where contextual information changes rapidly. 本研究并提出混合式调适演算法,针对无所不在的运算环境中,情境资讯快速变动的情况,改善现有研究在此环境中的效能缺失。
- Furthermore, classification of transit lines and transit exchange hinge are taken as restriction conditions, and a reasonable algorithm is developed. 同时把公交线路分级,公交换乘枢纽等条件引入线网优化中,开发了一套切实可行的算法。
- Method to Solve a Kind of "0 Absolutization" Problems in Evidential Reasoning 解决证据推理中一类“0绝对化”问题的方法
- Due to this,propose default assumption reasoning based on DFL. Here,introduce the reasoning frame,dynamic fuzzy knowledge representation,reasoning algorithms and so on. 因此文中针对研究对象以及它们之间的动态模糊性,提出了基于动态模糊逻辑(DFL)的缺省假设推理,并给出了缺省假设推理的框架描述、动态模糊(DF)知识的表示以及推理算法等。