- The regiment had a strong esprit de corps. 这个兵团有很强的团体精神。
- The esprit de corps of a football team. 足球队的集体精神
- Had a strong esprit de corps and work enthusiasm. 具备极强的团队精神和合作精神,对工作有热情。
- So, at least somebody had a little esprit de corps. 看来,至少还是有人有那么一点团队精神的。
- We believe in providing our customers with excellent products and first rate service on the basis of humanism,esprit de corps,equality and trust. 我们坚持以人为本,发扬团队精神,平等信任,以制度为保证;在此基础上,我们为客户提供高品质的产品和一流的服务,为用户的发展提供基本的保证。
- The trains are run with a uniformed professionalism and an esprit de corps that put even the Swiss in the shade. 日本的火车由穿着制服的专业主义和团队精神经营,甚至将一向以此出名的瑞士搁置在一边。
- Esprit de corps, a strong sense of tradition and a self-imposed get-it-right work ethic permeate the rank and file. 团队精神是一个强烈的传统意识且自我准确无误地在老百姓中普及履行职业道德。
- Works dependably, sincere, can withstand the tremendous pressure, has esprit de corps. 做事塌实、诚恳、能承受大的压力,具有团结精神。
- Students would be able to demonstrate esprit de corps (team spirit) through teamwork. 使学生能透过小组讨论展现团队合作能力。
- Esprit de corps, are being incorporated into the corporate governance of human resource management fields. 团队精神,正被纳入企业人力资源管理的治新领域。
- It is this single minded pursuit of excellence, supported by strong ethos of team work and esprit de corps, that sustain them until their mission is accomplished. 正是这样一心一意追求卓越,加上强大的齐心合力的团队精神,支撑着他们的奋斗,直至达到目标。
- One of the firm's 14 guiding “Principles” is that it should be big enough to serve any client, but small enough to maintain its esprit de corps. 它的14项“主要法则”之一即规定,公司规模理应足够庞大以便能为所有的客户提供服务,但它也应小巧可人,这样才能维护其团队精神。
- It is this single minded pursuit of excellence,supported by strong ethos of team work and esprit de corps,that sustain them until their mission is accomplished. 正是这样一心一意追求卓越,加上强大的齐心合力的团队精神,支撑着他们的奋斗,直至达到目标。
- This reliance on the intangibles of battle required each soldier to possess an even higher morale and an aggressive spirit based on a zealous patriotism and esprit de corps. 对战争中无形力量的依赖,需要每一个士兵都要在爱国热情和集体荣誉感下,激发出高昂的士气和斗志。
- A long-term view reinforces the impact of market orientation on output indicators (mainly business performance and esprit de corps as conceptualized by Kohli and Jaworski, 1990). 长期的视野加强市场定方位对输出指示器的冲击。
- Rather, a teacher must be caring and patient in helping students fully develop their morality, intelligence, physique, esprit de corps, and aesthetic sense. 的确,在先进科技的年代,学生已经能够通过冷的、硬的机器获得各种各样的知识,从知识的层面来说,他们是不愁没有的。
- Esprit de corps. 团体精神,集体精神
- Moreover, while the instillation of esprit de corps is a main item in the recruit training, wearing tidy and standard uniform is also an indispensable element in the recruitment training. 团队精神是新人训练其中一个主要项目。制服整及划一是不可缺的一个训练完素。
- We want to be big enough to undertake the largest project that any of our clients could contemplate, yet small enough to maintain the loyalty, the intimacy and the esprit de corps that we all treasure and that contribute greatly to our success. 我们希望公司的规模足以承办客户构思的任何大型项目,同时又保持适度的灵活性,以更有效地保持服务热情、系紧密与团结精神,这些都是我们极为珍视,又对公司成功至关重要的因素。
- His squad had an almost Spartan esprit de corps about it, and that was borne out in everything from their style of play to their collective protesting against refereeing decisions. 他的球员有着近乎斯巴达一般的团队精神,他们身上的点点滴滴都是这种精神的写照,无论是他们踢球的方式,还是他们对裁判判罚的集体抗议。