- Analysis on the Influence of the Equity Interest Structure of Our Country's Listed Companies on the Dividend Policies 我国上市公司的股权结构对股利政策的影响分析
- equity interest structure 股权结构
- The Coca-Cola Company owns a 31.6% equity interest in Coca-Cola FEMSA. 可口可乐公司拥有31.;6 %25权益可口可乐FEMSA 。
- Various additional documents are required depending on different forms of change of equity interest. 再根据不同形式的股权变更,而增加各种不同的文件。
- Assume, for example, that Lee has a $10 equity interest in the partnership of Lee, Martin, and Nash. 例如,假设李拥有李、马丁和纳什合伙企业10美元的产权。
- To record the transfer of Pam Lee's equity interest to the incoming partner, Paul Trent. 记录李的产权转给新合伙人特伦特。
- Neither Party may pledge, mortgage or otherwise encumber all or part of its Equity Interest without the prior written consent of the other Party. 未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方不得质押、押其全部或部分股权或对其全部或部分股权另行设置权益负担。
- Subject to Articles 10, 12 and 31, Party A may not transfer all or part of its Equity Interest to any person before [date of expiry of lock up period]. 除第10条、第12条及第31条另有规定外,在[限制期届满日]之前,甲方不得向任何人转让其全部或部分股权。
- Now let us assume that an incoming partner acquires his or her equity interest by making an investment directly into the firm. 让我们假设新合伙人通过向合伙企业直接投资获得产权。
- Although Smith has a one-half equity interest in the net assets of the new firm of Phillips, Ryan, and Smith, he is not necessarily entitled to receive one-half of the profits. 尽管史密斯已获得新合伙企业--菲利普、雷安和史密斯合伙企业净资产中一半的产权,但这并不意味着他能分享一半的利润。
- Two shareholders of BJWP, Bekaert Wire Products Hong Kong Ltd. and Jiangsu Fasten Stock Co., Ltd., consequently hold 82% and 18% equity interest in BJWP respectively. BJWP的两家股东,贝卡尔特钢丝制品香港有限公司和江苏法尔胜股份有限公司,分别持有其82%25和18%25的股份。
- The study shows policy regulations are adverse to farmer's access and lead to dualistic interest structure. 使用获得性分析范式分析了政策管制和潜规则对林农收益获得性的影响。
- SMG is in these act of sensitive period, caused the readjust of market interest structure, also produced different reaction in side of company of relevant client, representative. SMG在敏感时期的这些举措,引发了市场利益格局的重新调整,在相关的客户、代理公司方面也产生了不同的反应。
- The Parties shall share the profits and bear the losses of the EJV in proportion to their respective Equity Interests. 双方应按其各自的股权比例分享合资公司的利润及承担合资公司的亏损。
- As a result of interest structure gigantic adjust, it is difficult that the life of some townsmans appeared, the townsman life that has few number more produced severe difficulty. 由于利益结构的巨幅调整,有些城市居民的生活出现了困难,更有极少数的城市居民生活发生了严重困难。
- Subject to Articles 7.7.1 And 7.7.2, any increase in the registered capital of the EJV shall be contributed by the Parties in proportion to their respective Equity Interests. 除第7.;7
- Modification of the Equity Interest 股权的调整
- Writer thinks if public company wants to solve the non-tradable shares,the company must reform the stockholders' interest structure to make share all circulate towards internationalization. 对此笔者认为:解决股权分置的首要问题是对上市公司的股权结构进行改革,使我国上市公司实现全流通,向国际化靠拢。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- Sell-on equity interest following completion of construction 项目建成后立即出售资产的利益