- I felt his report was deliberately opaque. 我觉得他的报告故意含糊其词。
- Earthenware decorated with colorful, opaque glazes. 彩釉饰有彩色、不透明釉料的陶器
- An opaque pigment used when painting in this way. 树胶水彩画颜料作这种画时所用的不透明颜料
- Their intentions remained opaque. 他们的意图仍然令人费解。
- The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube. 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。
- A form of opaque or dark-colored diamond used for drills. 墨金刚石一种不透明的或深色的钻石,用作钻(头)
- electron opaque material 非导电物质
- This solute will be referred to as a tracer. 这种溶质称为示踪剂。
- An electron tube having a cathode and an anode. 电子二极管有一个阳极和一个阴极的电子管
- The tracer becomes increasingly dispersed. 示踪剂逐渐地扩散。
- Deletes tracer token history information. 删除跟踪令牌历史记录信息。
- Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque. 阳像线划原图和注记必须是不透明的。
- Identifies a tracer token record. 标识跟踪令牌记录。
- The opaque, mad look came into his eyes again. 一种意思不很明确而又狂野的神色又出现在他的眼睛里。
- Chemistry To add a tracer to (a compound). 使示踪:向(一个复合物)加示踪剂
- The window is made of opaque glass. 这扇窗是用不透明的玻璃做的。
- The quality or state of being opaque. 黑暗变暗或变黑的性质和状态
- A chemical solution opaque to x-rays. 一种X光不能穿透的化学物质,
- All the OPEC opal in the Opel is opaque. 欧宝车内所有的OPEC的蛋白石都没有色泽。
- The number of electron pairs an atom can share with other atoms. 共用电子对数,共价一个原子与其他原子共用的电子的对数