- Here is an actual electron micrograph of a platelet. 这是血小板的电镜图。
- An electron micrograph of the A H1N1 swine influenza virus. 图:A H1N1型猪流感病毒的电子显微图。
- To be able to identify major subcellular structures on an electron micrograph. 分辨电子显微镜底下主要的次细胞结构。
- Electron micrograph of a chondrocyte in its lacuna and almost entirely filling the lacunar space. 电镜照片显示软骨细胞充满骨陷窝中。
- This electron micrograph demonstrates the dense deposits in the basement membrane of MPGN type II. 电镜下膜增生性肾小球肾炎II型,基底膜有电子致密物沉积。
- This colorised, negatively stained, transmission electron micrograph (TEM) shows the structure of the H1N1 virus. 这个彩色的负染的透射电子显微图像显示了H1N1病毒的结构。
- Electron micrograph close-up of a weevil (Curculionidae family) - its snout is just over 100 microns wide. 电镜观察近摄一个象(象虫科家庭) -口鼻的刚刚超过100微米宽。
- Scanning electron micrograph of human immunodeficiency virus budding from a cultured lymphocyte . 扫描电子显微图像显示人类免疫缺陷病毒从一个培养的淋巴细胞芽出。
- Pictured above is an electron micrograph of over a dozen bacteriophages attached to a single bacterium. 上图是透过电子显微镜,观察到超过一打的噬菌体依附在一个细菌上的景像。
- In this electron micrograph, the capillary loop in the lower half contains two electron dense RBC's. 在这张电镜照片的下半部的毛细血管袢中有2个高电子密度的RBC。
- Transmission electron micrograph of nucleus similar to the one in the previous figure. 透射电镜图显示细胞核(与前一张相似)。
- Effects of "polypeptide 024" on Bel7402 cell line cell cycle were analyzed by FCM. infrastructure was determined by transmission electron micrograph. 应用人肝癌BEL-7402细胞株和其它人肿瘤细胞株及腹水型肝癌H_(22)荷瘤鼠观察小分子多肽024的抗肿瘤作用;
- An illustration through time-lapse film, light microscope slide and electron micrograph of the activities of macrophages. 利用慢转速拍摄,萤光显微镜和电子显微照片观察巨噬细胞的活动。原版英文发音。
- This paper researches the fractal of the scanning electron micrograph of coal samples by Discrete Fractal Brownian Increment Random Field(DFBIR). 本文采用离散分形布朗增量随机场(DFBIR)模型对煤样微观结构的显微图像做了分形定量研究。
- Fig 10.A scanning electron micrograph of a cross-section of a biopsy forceps after cleaning demonstrating residual organic soil. 图10.;一副清洗后活检钳横断面的扫描电子显微图显示了残留的有机污物。
- A colored transmission electron micrograph image captures the HIV virus budding from the surface of a T-lymphocyte white blood cell. 意译:艾滋病图库。一个有色传输电子显微图像捕捉艾滋病毒的萌芽过程,从表面看T-淋巴细胞白血细胞。
- Under a low magnification of 23x, this 2007 scanning electron micrograph depicts the fibrous configuration of a dry macrofoam sponge swab. 在一个低倍率的23x ,这个2007年扫描电镜描绘了纤维配置干macrofoam海绵拭子。
- It is confirmed once again by transmission electron micrograph (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) that Ni(0) is the active renter for cracking reaction. 用透射电子显微镜(TEM)及电子顺磁共振技术(EPR)进一步证实了Ni(0)是裂化反应的活性中心。
- Magnified 598x, this scanning electron micrograph depicts an enlarged view of the chitinous, exoskeletal surface of a male louse, Pediculus humanus var. 放大598x ,这种扫描电镜描绘一个放大的chitinous , exoskeletal表面男性虱,虱人体变种。corporis.;癣。In this particular view;the exoskeleton appears to be composed of interlocking plates
- Cone-shaped tongue papillae, seen here in a colored scanning electron micrograph, contain nerve endings that receive and transmit touch sensations to the brain. 意译:人体消化系统图片。园锥形的舌乳头状突起,在这里看到一幅彩色扫描电子显微照片,含有神经末梢的接收和传送触摸的感觉给大脑。