- Ambiguous or evasive language; double talk. 不实之言含糊或避开正题的言语;有双重意思的话
- What kind of double talk was this? 这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢?
- My wife was quite convinced by what the salesman told her, but to me it was just a lot of double talk. 我太太很相信推销员对她说的话,但我认为那只是花言巧语而已。
- He gave us no real reasons,just the usual politician's double talk. 他没告诉我们真正理由,只说了些政客常说的空话。
- My wife was quite convinced by what the salesman told her,but to me it was just a lot of double talk. 我太太很相信推销员对她说的话,但我认为那只是花言巧语而已。
- Double Talk English is filled with many multiple meaning words or similar sounding words, so try not to get confused! 英语当中有很多多义词和发音相似的词,所以注意不要搞混了!
- He gave the crowd a lot of double talk which left us arguing afterwards whether his answer was yes or no. 他说了一大堆模棱两可,含糊其辞的话,叫大家事后不断争论他究竟回答了"是"还是"否"。
- The double talk detector computes a squared norm of the filter weight vector and detects an increase of the squared norm in order to detect double-talk status. 其中一双方交谈侦测装置会计算滤波器权值向量所对应的方均值差量,并利用于侦测一双方交谈状态。
- This communique was unique in honestly setting forth differences rather than trying to cover them up with diplomatic double talk. (联合)公报十分坦率地提出了这些分歧,而没有试图用一些外交辞令去遮盖分歧。
- M7NCG introduced the series of NForce2 IGP compositive chip of Nvidia company, can support AGP 8x and level of memory of double talk DDR400. M7NCG采用了Nvidia公司的nForce2 IGP集成芯片组,能够支持AGP 8x和双道DDR400内存标准。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。
- I want a double room with a view. 我要一间能看到风景的双人房间。
- He was so fat that he had a double chin. 他胖得有双下巴了。
- The carpet is too thick to double up. 这地毯太厚没法折叠。
- Is the material single width or double width? 这幅料子是单幅的还是双幅的?
- Reserve double room June fourth to tenth inclusive. 预订双人房间,六月四日至十日,共六晚,望订妥复电。
- In this case, I can double for penalty. 假如这样的话,我可以叫加倍了。
- Can you tell me the rate for a double room, please? 请告诉我一间双人房的费用可以吗?