- double parameter method 双参数法
- The method is thus named the parameter method for large pore paths,whi... 结果表明:大孔道参数法识别大孔道是行之有效的。
- The stable cavity condition is obtained by ABCD law and equivalent G parameter method. 利用abcd传输矩阵理论及等效G参数法计算了稳腔范围。
- This study proposes a new mix design method for self-compacting concrete(SCC) named parameter method. 提出一套计算自密实混凝土配合比的参数设计法。
- The parameter method is comparatively useful in the cost estimation of new type weapon system. 参数法是较为有用的新型武器系统制造成本估算方法。
- A thermal network model of the wet back driving axle of ZL80 wheel loader steady heat transfer was built by lumped parameter method. 摘要采用集总参数法建立了ZL80型轮式装载机湿式后驱动桥的稳态传热网络模型;
- We have determined tin and lead contents in tin solder using the XRF fundamental parameter method without standard sample in this paper. 本文在无标样的情况下,用X射线荧光基本参数法测定了焊锡中的锡和铅的含量。
- A dynamic heat transfer model based on the lumped parameter method was developed for cooling system of vehicle internal combustion engine. 提出了一个基于集总参数+法的车用内燃机冷却系统动态传热模型。
- The oil tanker heat preservation model is established and the software is developed based on transient heat conduction gathered parameter method. 根据非稳态导热集总参数法建立油船油舱保温数学模型,研制了油船货油保温计算软件。
- Both single and double paramete criteria for fatigue life assessmint under multi-axial cyclic loading have been discussed. 文中就目前所采用的单参数及双参数疲劳寿命估算准则进行了评述。
- IsoriskContour Method,Risk Parameter Method and Probability Event Analysiswhich are suitable to the engineers and technicians,especially the mana-gers,for easy using. 文章给出了等风险轮廓线法、风险参数法和概率事件分析法三种快速、简便的风险分析方法,适合于一般工程技术人员,特别是管理人员在实际工作中应用。
- A nondimensional parameter method for calculating hydraulic best trapezoid section is presented, by which a hydraulic best trapezoid section is rapidly obtained. 提出了水力最佳梯形断面的无量纲计算方法,运用此法可快速方便地计算满足要求的水力最佳横断面,提高了设计人员的工作效率。
- Natural Parameter Method is a kind of new method of wellbore trajectory computation succeeding Cylinder Helix Method(Radius of Curvature Method) and Minimum Curvature Method. 自然参数法是继圆柱螺线法和最小曲率法之后提出的一种测斜计算新方法,在井眼轨迹设计与计算中有着广泛的用途。
- Lumped models were built for the evaporator, gascooler and internal heat exchanger respectively based on lumped parameter method and moving boundary method. 利用集总参数法和移动边界法分别对蒸发器、气冷器和中间换热器建立了集总参数模型;
- double parameter elastic foundation 双参数地基模型
- double parameter fatiguecriterion 二元疲劳失效判据
- double parameter seismic damage model 双参数地震破坏模型
- A hail cloud model that is two dimensional elastic non-hydrostatic, uses a terrain-following coordinate system and includes double parameters for ice phase microphysics, has been developed. 建立了一个适用于复杂地形的冰雹云模式。模式是二维、弹性、非静力、采用地形跟随坐标、包含双变参数冰相微物理过程参数化。
- In this paper, a model with double factors and double parameters for calculating tensile strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is established on the basis of composite material mechanics. 摘要基于复合材料力学理论,建立了双因素、双参数的钢纤维混凝土抗拉强度普适计算模式。
- Using the parametered method, from instancing of class we produce objects which are used to represent concrete parts. 用参数化方法从零件类实例化生成对象,以对象来表示具体的零件;