- The disparity in incomes among different professions was small. 各职业收入的差距比较小。
- Third, for the very same reason, the international disparity in incomes would widen farther. 此外,基于同一原因,国家之间收入上的差距也将进一步加大。
- We should earnestly implement the distribution policy while advocating the spirit of devotion and guard against an excessive disparity in income while opposing equalitarianism. 既要提倡奉献精神,又要落实分配政策,既要反对平均主义,又要防止收入悬殊。
- We should give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness, earnestly implementing the distribution policy while advocating the spirit of devotion and guarding against an excessive disparity in income while opposing equalitarianism. 坚持效率优先、兼顾公平,既要提倡奉献精神,又要落实分配政策,既要反对平均主义,又要防止收入悬殊。
- We should give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness,earnestly implementing the distribution policy while advocating the spirit of devotion and guarding against an excessive disparity in income while opposing equalitarianism. 我们坚持效率优先、兼顾公平,既要提倡奉献精神,又要落实分配政策,既要反对平均主义,又要防止收入悬殊。
- Third, for the very same reason, the international disparity in incomes would widen farther 此外,基于同一原因,国家之间收入上的差距也将进一步加大。
- There was a great disparity in strength between the two sides. 双方力量悬殊。
- There's a great disparity in strength between Iraq and USA. 战场上双方兵力悬殊。
- Could Economic Growth Narrow the Rural-Urban Disparity in China? 中国经济增长能消除城乡收入差距吗?
- There is a great disparity in strength between the two teams. 两队的力量相差很大。
- The height of sunken columns is a great disparity in size. 在剖面形状方面,以上小下大的圆锥状柱体为主。
- In other words, absolute levels of income aside, greater disparities in income between the poorest and the wealthiest in a community predict worse average health. (David H. 换句话说,姑且不论实际收入的多寡,社会中最穷与最富阶级之间的收入差异越大,将可预见该社会成员的平均健康情况会越差。
- disparity in incomes 收入悬殊
- The Relation between the Evolution of Ownership and the Disparity in Income 我国所有制结构演变与居民收入差距的关联性分析
- Half of my wages go in income tax. 我的一半工资用来付所得税。
- The Disparity in Income in Present-day China and the Country's Control 当前我国的收入差距与国家控制
- Anne cleared a million in income this year. 今年,安在收入上净赚了一百万。
- These price increases bore most severely on people with fixed in incomes. 物价的上涨对固定收入的人影响最历害。
- This is best illustrated by the disparities in labor productivity. 在劳动生产率方面的悬殊差别充分地说明了这种情况。
- Who will be the main beneficiary of the cuts in income tax? 削减所得税的主要受益者将是谁?