- I've decided to send in an agent to gather intelligence, but if he gets caught it will stir up a hornet's nest on the diplomatic front. 我已决定派一名特工人员去收集情报,但是如果他被抓住的话,那就会给外交战线带来麻烦。
- I've decided to send in an agent to gather intelligence,but if he gets caught it will stir up a hornet's nest on the diplomatic front. 我已决定派一名特工人员去收集情报,但是如果他被抓住的话,那就会给外交战线带来麻烦。
- Bush aides say they worry that Russia’s economic clout already is leading Moscow to overplay its hand on the diplomatic front. 布什总统的助手表示,凭藉强大的经济影响,俄罗斯在外交问题上已经表演得有些过火。
- The Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front; they advertise on many different fronts. 上周,日本在外交领域特别活跃。
- On China's diplomatic front,we have managed to overcome the difficulties and seize opportunities and as a result,we have scored remarkable achievements and brought about a new situation on our diplomatic front. 去年的中国外交是在诸多挑战中,抓住了机遇,克服了困难,开创了新局面,而且取得了不少举世瞩目的成绩。
- On China's diplomatic front, we have managed to overcome the difficulties and seize opportunities and as a result, we have scored remarkable achievements and brought about a new situation on our diplomatic front. 去年的中国外交是在诸多挑战中,抓住了机遇,克服了困难,开创了新局面,而且取得了不少举世瞩目的成绩。
- The aim, surely, should be the reverse: to keep up as united a diplomatic front against the atomic ayatollahs as possible, while encouraging other influential Iranians to weigh the costs of isolation. 无疑,目标应该相反:我们应该在外交团结一致尽可能的反对阿亚图拉拥有原子武器,同时要鼓励伊朗其他具有影响力的人权衡被孤立的代价。
- But conditions are still fragile and much more remains to be done on both the humanitarian and diplomatic fronts. 但是情况仍然很紧张,在人道主义和外交方面都还有许多事情要做。”
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat. 他们不得不赎回被绑架的外交官。
- I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。
- He once served in diplomatic service. 他曾一度干外交工作。
- His job as a diplomat was a blind for his spying. 他担任外交官的职务是为了给他的间谍身分打掩护。
- The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo. 他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。
- We admire her for her diplomatic tact. 我们佩服她的外交手腕。
- His father had been in the diplomatic service. 他的父亲曾在外交部门供职。
- There is a rose bush in front of the office. 办公室前有一丛玫瑰。
- She curled up in front of the fire with a book. 她蜷曲在炉火前看书。