- Basic principles and methods of denuded strata comeback 浅述地层剥蚀量恢复的基本原理与方法
- denuded strata comeback 剥蚀量恢复
- The study reveals that the method for recovery of denuded strata thickness is valid and applicable. 研究表明,包裹体测温法是一种有应用前景的恢复地层剥蚀厚度的方法。
- Denuded strata recovery is the important work of basin evolution study and oil/gas evaluation quantitatively. 恢复地层剥蚀厚度是定量研究盆地演化史和进行油气资源定量评价的重要基础工作。
- Application of Homogeneous Temperature of Fluid Inclusions to Recovery of Denuded Strata Thickness 包裹体测温法在剥蚀厚度恢复中的应用
- The quarterback attempted a comeback at age forty. 那位足球四分後卫试图在四十岁时重回运动场。
- He made a witty comeback to the insult. 他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳。
- The children soon denuded the Christmas tree of its parcels. 孩子们很快就把挂在圣诞树上的一包包礼物拿得精光。
- denuded strata thickness 剥蚀厚度
- The land was denuded of vegetation. 这块土地曾是不毛之地。
- The old actor made a successful comeback after twenty years. 那位老演员二十年后卷土重来,马到成功。
- We can follow the history of life through the strata. 我们可以通过这一层层的地层跟踪生命的历史。
- The storm completely denuded the trees. 这场暴风雨扫光了所有树叶。
- And Batwoman is making a comeback as a lesbian. 蝙蝠女侠将以女同性恋的身份卷土重来。
- They represent each society stratum. 他们代表各个社会阶层。
- The mucosa may become completely denuded. 粘膜可以完全剥脱。
- The studios hotted up Mary's comeback. 电影制片厂使玛丽提早重返银幕。
- The older strata gradually disintegrate. 较老的岩层渐渐风化。
- That incredible comeback in Houston left a memory. 休斯顿的不可思议的赶超留下了一个美好的记忆。
- Wide ties are making a comeback this year. 今年恢复了广泛的联系