- It is the density data of the shale. 这是泥页岩密度数据。
- density data of population 人口密度数据
- But the saturation density data of those substances are rather limited in the literature, especially for DMM, DME etc. 本文的主要目的是研制一套流体密度测量装置,并用其对二甲醚、二甲氧基甲烷的饱和液相密度进行实验研究,为清洁燃料汽车的深入研究工作提供急需的基础的热物性数据。
- The density of population in this city is very high. 这个城市的人口密度非常高。
- Note: Data in value terms in the table are caculated at current prices. Data of population were resident population. 注:本表按当年价格计算,人口数为常住人口。
- Falsely reporting, concealing the report of, forging, falsifying or refusing to report the statistic data of population and family planning. (五)虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改或者拒报人口与计划生育统计数据的。
- In order to know the population health level in Shihezi area,changing of popula tion life was analysed.The data of population census and other data was studied. 为了解石河子地区人群健康水平,利用人口普查资料和收集相关基础数据,进行了石河子地区人口寿命的动态研究。
- Do you know the density of population in this area? 你知道这个地区的人口密度吗?
- Japan has a high density of population. 口密度很大。
- Methods The data of the fourth census in 1990 and sampling investigation of population in 1995 were used to obtain the elderly coefficient and longevity proportion,and abridged life table was applied to work out expectation life. 方法 采用全国第四次人口普查、1995年人口抽查和 1999年云南省长寿地区老年人口多点典型调查资料计算老年人口系数、长寿老人比例 ,并应用简易寿命表法计算平均期望寿命。
- Note: Since 2000 the total uban and rural population is caculated on the 5th national population censuses, data of population is caculated on the annals of public secutity in oters year. 注:2000年及以后城镇人口和乡村人口按“五普”城乡划分口径,其余年份按公安年报口径。
- Urban density data are difficult to compare among countries. 各国的城市人口密度数据是难以进行比较的。
- Demography is the analysis of population variables. 人口学是对人口变量的分析。
- Please look at the data of this first chart. 请看第一幅图表的数据。
- These are the original data of the case. 这是案件的原始材料。
- We now come to the question of population. 现在我们开始谈人口问题。
- No,actually,it's more a matter of population. 不,实际上这更是一个人口问题。
- Gets the path for the application data of a user. 获取用户的应用程序数据的路径。
- The out-of-band data of the method call. 方法调用的带外数据。
- Description for type of population. 对填充类型的说明。