- cycle operation time 作业循环时间
- The operation time of this order is very short. 指令的执行时间很短。
- The influence of time on Carnot heat pump has been studied in the two respects of the heat exchange and cycle operation. 从热量交换和循环运行两个方面研究了卡诺热泵,导出了卡诺热泵的泵热率与致热系数间的关系。
- The max. Operation time without defrosting is approx. 24 hrs. 不除霜的最长工作时间约24小时。
- It could be easer to perform and make the operation time shorter. 此方法操作方便,节省时间。
- Some patients even missed the best operation time of treatment. 有的患者甚至己经失去了最佳手术治疗时机
- Energizing the machine "start" switch places the machine in an automatic single cycle operation that completes the element assembly. 开动机器,进行一次自动循环运转就完成极群组的铸焊。
- The mean operation time was 150 minutes, and the mean blood loss was<50 ml. 平均手术时间为150分钟,平均出血量小于50毫升。
- The traditional DST (Drill Stem Test) is long in operation time, high in cost and easy of polluting environments. 传统的DST钻杆测试作业时间长、测试费用高、易造成环境污染。
- Able to work under pressure and longer operating time. 能承受较大的工作压力和较长的工作时间。
- Operation timed out before any of the wait handles were signaled. 指示在任何等待句柄终止之前。
- Although oxygen does not participate directly in the citric acid cycle, the cycle operates only when O2 is present. 尽管氧气没有直接参与三羧酸循环,循环却只有在氧气存在时才能进行,
- Analysis of the relation between the operation time and functional recovery for the injured facial motor nerve. 面部运动神经损伤手术治疗时机与疗效分析。
- Our operation time is from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, we serve buffet And a-la-carte two style for all day. 餐厅的营业时间是从早上6:00到晚上12:00,三餐均有自助餐和零点提供。
- Transfer state machine which consists of PIO and DMA state machine, is used to implement classic cycle and advanced cycle operations respectively. 传输状态机模块是设计的重点,包括PIO状态机和DMA状态机,分别用于控制WISHBONE典型总线周期和改进总线周期两种数据传输操作。
- All procedures were eventful with mean operation time of 1h and successful rate of 100%. 手术成功率100%25 。
- But the micro-invasive group has the advantage of operation time and shortening ICU stay. 但微创组从患者入院到开始手术的时间及颅内血肿清除的时间明显短于开颅组;
- Results Stereoscopic vision was associated with optic vision,anisometropia,operation time and age. 结果立体视觉与视力、屈光不正、屈光参差、伤后手术时间及受伤年龄有关。
- The volume of the testes, operation time, complications, and pathological results were recorded. 测量患者睾丸体积,计算手术时间,评估术后并发症,记录病理结果。
- The operation time of study group was shorter compared with control group in LSH and LTH(P<0.001). 在子宫次全切除术及子宫全切除术中,实验组手术时间均明显短于对照组(P<0.;001),差异有统计学意义。