- cross breeding flax 杂交亚麻
- When it comes to cross breeding for better strains,Li is the comrade you should consult. 至于杂交培育良种的问题,你可以去请教李同志。
- Preliminary Study on Cross Breeding Technological System of Rose in Beijing Forestry University. 北林月季杂交育种技术体系初探。
- Research on Cross Breeding and Space Mutation of Dioscorea Zingiberensis C.H. Wright. 盾叶薯蓣(Dioscorea zingiberensis C.;H
- Research progress on cross breeding of Chinese fir was summarized in this paper and the primary insufficiency was analyzed. 摘要概述了我国杉木杂交育种研究进展,分析了杉木杂交育种存在的主要问题及其对策。
- A method that combines irradiation and cross breeding has been put forword to use early-maturing rice restorer to get hybrid combination with right maturing date. 我们还提出用辐射与杂交相结合的方法,解决早熟恢复系杂交稻熟期配套问题的具体方案。
- Omit condition of zoology, economy according to Qinghai, thoroughbred breed system includes blooded breed system, cross breed system 2 respects. 根据青海省生态、经济条件 ,良种繁育体系包括纯种繁育体系、杂交繁育体系 2个方面。
- Variation patterns and rule of morphology variation in Lilium regale Wilson was revealed to provide theoretical basis for introduction and domestication, and cross breeding. 摘要揭示岷江百合的形态变异式样及变异规律,为引种驯化、杂交育种提供依据。
- The effects of fermenting accessory ingredients on the alcohol fermentation of wild grape wine was studied with cross breed of"Gongniang Erhao"as raw materials. 以山葡萄种间杂交种“公酿二号”为原料,研究发酵助剂对山葡萄酒精发酵的影响。
- The flower succession of cultivated Paeonia lacriflora had close relationships with the stamen and pistil succession, which is the fundamental for parental selection in cross breeding. 摘要芍药花器官在人工栽培选择条件下的花型演化类型与雌雄蕊的演变关系密切,是杂交育种亲本类型选择的重要依据。
- Experience in cross breeding between Triticum aestivum and Agropyron glaucum was summari-zed as follows:1.Breeding of new varieties from Agrotriticum hybrids:(1)Single cross. (2)Composite cross. 作者从事小偃麦远缘杂交育种工作20余年,已育成7个小偃麦品种及广西260、261等新品系,5个稳定的中间类型(新种)及广西631、632等新八倍体种和新的附加系,它们都是小麦育种的优良桥梁亲本。
- In this paper, the achievements, the chief utilization way, the difficulties and its solution way, and the future research prospects in the interspecific cross breeding were summarized. 本文综述了野生稻资源在种间杂交育种上的成就、野生稻利用的主要途径、稻种间杂交的困难、解决方法及今后的研究展望。
- Abstract : After the measures of natural selection and cross breeding, induced mutation breeding by radiation has also become an effective method for creating new fruit tree germplasms. 摘要 : 继实生选种和杂交育种后,辐射诱变育种也成为创造果树新种质的一个有效途径。
- Breeding of New Flax Variety Jiya No. 吉亚四号亚麻新品种的选育。
- Sex up the male pig for cross breeding 引起公猪的性欲来杂交育种
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- However, more than twenty other breeds and some cross breeds have been reported to have CT so it is not just a Bedlington problem. 但是,超过20种其它犬种和其他一些串被报道说有了CT,因此这个不光光只是贝灵顿的问题。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- Of this breed we can make short shrift. 这个品种,我们能很快解决。
- cross breeding blood transfusion 充血杂交