- Creative work appeals to him wonderfully. 创作活动他是非常愿意干的。
- Creative work appealed to him irresistibly. 搞创造对他有无法抗拒的吸引力。
- At the moment, I'm refining my creative work. 此时,我正琢磨我的创造性工作。
- Don't let failure discourage you. Go on with the creative work. 不要因失败而泄气,继续你的创造性的劳动。
- Perhaps it too can be counted as creative work of a sort! 也算一个创作吧!
- Creative work can be incredibly hard, the odds of failure astronomical. 创造性工作也许艰巨无比,失败的几率很庞大。
- Particle physics was an area where creative work could still be done. 因为这说明在基本粒子物理学这个领域,还有许多创造性的工作可以做。
- The Beatles have less control over their creative work than Grisham does. 相较于约翰.葛里逊(JohnGrisham)而言,披头四合唱团就对他们的原创作品没有那麽多的控制权。
- But taking over legacies and using them as examples must never replace our own creative work; nothing can do that. 但是继承和借鉴决不可以变成替代自己的创造,这是决不能替代的。
- Just because of their arduous and creative working, we can develop durative in high speed. 正是全体员工辛勤的极富有开创性的劳动才使我们得以持续、高速发展。
- Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work. 科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。她断言离群索居对于创造性的工作是必不可少的。
- Radio Cartography is done in partnership with Southern Exposure gallery and was made possible thanks to a grant provided by the Creative Work Fund. 收音机制图学与南部的暴露画廊在合伙被做并且被使可能由于有创造性的工作资金提供的资助。
- The three years in the countryside laid down a solid foundation for his creative work. 下放在农村的三年为他的创作打下了坚实的基础。
- Since computers can replace people to do routine jobs, people can be freed of mundane business to do creative work. 既然计算机可以取代人力干常规工作,人们就可以摆脱乏味的事务,从事有创造性的工作。
- Juggernaut Advertising's creative work features the BMW M3 with the headline “Checkmate. 巨头广告的创作特点的宝马M3的标题为”将军。
- After many iterative rounds of development, a large creative work may spring from your choice to share. 通过几轮发展,你最初进行分享的决策,将可能演变成为一部宏大的创作。
- Among them, Li Yuqiu makes remarkable contribution to opening the nationalizing way of accordion creative work. 这其中,李遇秋为开拓手风琴创作的民族化道路做出了卓越的贡献。
- Three themes: Cinema of Taiwan, Classic movies, Personal Subject, a group creative work. 台湾电影,经典电影,个人主题,三大主题,集体创作。
- Although the computers have many advantages ,they can not do the creative work and displace human being . 虽然电子计算机有很多优点;但它们不能进行创造性工作;因此代替不了人.
- I think their east aesthetics and thinking are very conformable to Vitas' creative work . 我认为他的东方审美观念和思考方式是很适合Vitas的作品。