- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- That was the only thing they could count on. 那是他们唯一依靠的东西。
- The little boy can count up to a thousand. 这个小男孩能够数到一千。
- I regret having to make so many staff redundant. 我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。
- An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff. 一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。
- It's not humanly possible to count so quickly. 计算得这么快是人力无法做到的。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。
- The speed of a runaway horse count for nothing. 脱缰之马的速度毫无价值。
- Quite a few of our sale staff are women. 我们相当多的销售人员是妇女。
- There is a high pollen count in the air. 空气中有很高的花粉计数。
- His staff is insolent to our manager. 他的员工对我们的经理很无礼。
- Now count up the points you've scored. 现在你把你们得的分加一加。
- I count myself fortunate in having good health. 我认为自己能拥有健康的身体真是幸运。
- A manager should be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。
- Take your blood count first, please. 请先做一次血球计数。
- I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper. 我在这家报纸的编辑部工作。
- He kept count of the meteors till midnight. 他数流星一直数到半夜。
- Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline. 王先生是法国航空公司的一名职员。
- My old car has finally taken the count. 我的那辆旧车终于被废弃了。
- The manager gave the staff the day off. 经理放员工一天假。