- Structured Query Language is the most commonly used language to communicate with databases. 结构化查询语言是用来与数据库通讯的最常用语言。
- Java language is a commonly used language in network programing, which can be used in the programing of applet. JAVA语言是一种通用的网络编程语言;用它可以编写小应用程序(applet).
- In less than 20 years,some analysts predict,Chinese will take over from English as the most commonly used language on the World Wide Web. 一些分析家预计,华文将在十几年内超越英文,成为万维网上最常用的语言。
- In less than 20 years, some analysts predict, Chinese will take over from English as the most commonly used language on the World Wide Web. 一些分析家预计,华文将在十几年内超越英文,成为万维网上最常用的语言。
- Those organs which simultaneously use several commonly used languages in their work can give priority to the language of the nationality which exercises regional autonomy. 自治机关同时使用几种通用的语言文字执行职务的,可以以实行区域自治的民族的语言文字为主。
- The most commonly used wireless language is WML. 最常用的无线语言是WML。
- The printer is the most commonly used output device after the monitor. 打印机是除显示器外最常用的输出设备。
- A dental sound is commonly used in the French language. 齿音经常应用于法语中。
- Nitrogen is the most commonly used gas. 氮气是最常用的气体。
- This is one of the most commonly used methods. 这是最常采用的方法之一。
- Most Commonly used in Various Industrial fields. 在各种工业领域里是最常用的。
- Writes commonly used source code! 写的常用源码!
- This event is commonly used for data validation. 此事件通常用于数据验证。
- This is the most commonly used type of Action rule. 这是最常用的操作规则类型。
- Timer commonly used to implement time sharing. 定时器通常用于实现时间共享。
- Commonly used objects have their own slab pools. 在页层次上面来管理內存。普遍用物件有他们的自己片池。
- Passthrough is commonly used to send data definition language statements. 直通通常用于发送数据定义语言语句。
- Oil lubrication is commonly used while working. 使用时一般采用有润滑。
- The A scale is most commonly used. 是经常被使用的。
- The most commonly used technique is panning. 有时,一幕一幕,或像照片一样,一张一张地带出故事。