- Theoretical probings: 1.Keform the traditional college mathematics education model, and construct“Process thinking education”model; 理论探讨: 1、改革传统的大学数学教学模式,构建“过程思维教育”模式;
- college mathematics education 大学数学教育
- The humanism in university mathematics education is discussed. 摘要讨论了大学数学教育中的人文精神。
- E. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Paper reviewer. 师大学报教育类、科学教育类审查委员。
- At present, the integration of modern education technology and college mathematic teaching is an innovation drive of college mathematics teaching. 现代教育技术与大学数学教学的整合是当前大学数学教学创新的有力生长点。
- Secondly, the intension of the humanism in university mathematics education is expounded. 其次,阐明了大学数学教育中人文精神的内涵。
- The reform of mathematics teaching mode is one of key questions on reform of mathematics education. 摘要数学教学模式改革在数学教育改革中是一个关键的问题。
- First, the necessity of cultivating humanism in university mathematics education is demonstracted. 首先,分析说明了大学数学教育中培养人文精神的必要性。
- To improve mathematics classroom instruction efficiency is one basic task of study on mathematics education. 提高数学课堂教学效率是数学教育研究的一项根本任务。
- Clements, K., &Ellerton, N. (1996), Mathematics education research: Past, present and future, Bangkok: UNESCO. 国立编译馆(1998);国民中学数学第三册教师手册;台北;台湾书店;.
- The first chapter is to expound the significance of Freudenthal's thought of mathematics education. 论文的第一章是对弗赖登塔尔数学教育思想研究意义的阐述。
- Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisiting mathematics education: China lectures. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 顾泠沅;杨玉东.;视频案例研究:校本研修的有效平台
- A Certain number of Comparisons about the Eighth Grade Mathematics Education among the United States,Japan and Genmany, and Enlightens to us. 美国、日本和德国三国八年级数学教育的若干比较及其对我们的启示。
- Polya history of the development of mathematics education is a bright pearl, for his contributions to mathematics education is enormous. 波利亚的发展史,数学教育,是一颗璀璨明珠,因为他的贡献,数学教育是巨大的。
- Can the Term "East-Asia School of Mathematical Education" Be Said? 可以说“东亚数学教育学派”吗
- Recorde became the first British mathematics educator in the history. 他筚路蓝缕,传播学术,成为英国历史上第一位数学教育家。
- Carrcher (Eds.), proceedings of the 19th International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 4,p464, Recife: Brazil. 收录于国科会科教处,八十四年度数学教育专题研究计画成果讨论会摘要;.
- College Mathematics(Linear Algebra) 大学数学(含线性代数)
- Finally, it is expounded to propagate the humanism in university mathematics education and cultivate the high-quality talents. 最后,分析说明了要弘扬大学数学中的人文精神,培养高素质的人才。
- Chung Chi College Mathematics Scholarship 崇基学院数学奖学金