- Tossed Mung Clear Noodles in Sauce 大拉皮
- She put some noodles in the aluminum saucepan. 她在铝锅里下了些面条。
- Remove cold noodles to serving plate topped with shredded cu*** ber. Drizzle sauce on top. Mix well and serve. 食用时,将凉面盛入盘中,放上小黄瓜丝,再淋上酱料,拌匀即可。
- Remove cold noodles to serving plate topped with shredded cucumber. Drizzle sauce on top. Mix well and serve. 食用时,将凉面盛入盘中,放上小黄瓜丝,再淋上酱料,拌匀即可。
- Remove cold noodles&nbs p;to serving plate topped with shredded cucumber .Drizzle sauce on top.Mix well and serve. 食用时,将凉面盛入盘中,放上小黄瓜丝,再淋上酱料,拌匀即可。
- Remove cold noodles to serving plate topped with shredded cu***ber.Drizzle sauce on top.Mix well and serve. 食用时,将凉面盛入盘中,放上小黄瓜丝,再淋上酱料,拌匀即可。
- I like to eat cold betel peppers in sauce very much. 我特别喜欢吃凉拌蒟蒻。
- Korean food has special tastes, including kimchi (hot pickled vegetables), cold noodles, sticky rice cakes and soy sauce soup. 朝鲜族的食品独具风味,泡菜、冷面、打糕和酱汤都是他们喜欢吃的食品。
- Do you like noodles in chicken soup? 你喜欢鸡汤面吗?
- He finished off two bowls of noodles in no time. 他很快就吃完了两碗面。
- We eat dumplings, rice and noodles in China. 在中国我们吃饺子,米饭和面条。
- He consumed a big bowlful of noodles in no time. 一大碗面,他一会儿功夫就都入肚了。
- The piglet even cooks instant noodles in an alchemy stove. 更有甚者,他竟然用炼丹炉来煮方便面!
- For the Japanese, pickles, sushi, cold noodles, smoked eel over rice. 给日本人准备的,有泡菜、寿司、冷面和鳗鱼饭;
- Mother has made my favorite dish of cold sweetened melon strips in sauce. 妈妈做了我最喜欢吃的凉拌瓜条。
- Did you know that Koreans celebrate singles day on April 14 by eating Chinese noodles in black sauce apart from celebrating Valentines day for couples ? 你知道韩国人庆祝单打天4月14日由吃中国面条在黑酱油除了庆祝情人节的夫妇?
- Korean Cold Noodles are gradually gaining popularity among common Chinese people. 朝鲜冷面正在慢慢地赢得中国百姓的喜爱。
- Food in Egypt is hot and spicy, drenched in sauces. 埃及食物多辛辣,并要用酱汁浸透。
- He started to use them in sauces and tarts. 于是奎因开始用黑加仑调制酱汁,制作果馅糕点。
- Our noodle in superior soup is very popular. 我们的阳春面很受欢迎。