- Its main coalition partner is expected to be the Labor party, which has 20 seats. 预计联合政府中的主要执政夥伴工党赢得了20席。
- Self-Defence, a junior coalition partner, said it would pull out of the coalition with the ruling Law and Justice Party. 执政联盟成员自卫党表示,该党将退出和法律与公正党共同组成的执政联盟。
- Instead of needing to broker a coalition with the Socialists, Mr Borisov will now be able to govern with a smaller coalition partner. 鲍利索夫现在就能够联合较小的联盟伙伴参政,而不需要为结盟而周旋于社会党中间。
- A key coalition partner in the government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the religious Shas Party, also announced it had received approval from Mr. 早些时候,赖斯国务卿在耶路撒冷会晤了以色列领导人以及以色列和巴勒斯坦的谈判小组。
- The PPP and its main coalition partner, Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League, have been far too busy for duty in the “war on terror”. 巴基斯坦人民党的主要的联合执政伙伴是由纳瓦兹.;谢里夫的巴基斯坦穆斯林同盟,他们过于忙碌而无暇顾及反恐战争。
- This is especially important because the assembly is the power base of the LDP's coalition partner, New Komeito, which gives the party its majority. 因为新公明党作为自民党的联合方,将绝大多数的选票投给了自民党,而这次东京都州议院正是新公明党的政治资本来源。
- It also is uncertain whether the junior coalition partner, the Pakistan Muslim League (N), led by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, will agree to such a deal. 现在还不能确定执政联盟中次要一方、前总理谢里夫领导的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(谢里夫派)(PakistanMuslimLeague-N)是否同意这么做。
- Defense Minister Barak said the Labor Party, Mr. Olmert's senior coalition partner, would support an upcoming bill for early elections if the prime minister does not step down. 以色列国防部长巴拉克说,如果奥尔默特总理不下台,奥尔默特的主要执政联盟夥伴工党将支持提前举行大选的提案。
- Finance minister Masayoshi Takemura leads the third coalition partner in the government, the New Harbinger Party, a relatively minor, left-leaning splinter group from the LDP which polled only 2 per cent of the vote in recent upper house elections. 武村正义藏相领导着联合政府的第三方新党魁党,这是由自民党分裂出来的左翼小派别组成的,它在最近的上议院选举中,只得到了2%25的选票。
- To keep an upper-house majority, the LDP had counted on its coalition partner, New Komeito, holding the 12 of its existing seats that are being contested, while winning at least 52 itself. 为保持上议院的多数,自民党指望它的联合伙伴保守新党在选举中能保住现有的12个席位,同时,它自己至少要赢得52席。
- With votes from nearly all polling stations counted, Kadima has won 28 of 120 parliamentary seats. Its main coalition partner is expected to be the Labor party, which has 20 seats. 在几乎所有投票站的选票清点完毕之后,前进党在议会120个席位中赢得28席。预计联合政府中的主要执政夥伴工党赢得了20席。
- Ms Merkel is hobbled by the fact that she wants to swap coalition partners. 默克尔想要交换联盟搭档的事实成为她的绊脚石。
- Instead, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, the New Komeito, have rewritten Japan's post-war education law with the aim of boosting patriotism among the young. 相反,执政的自民党及其政党联盟公明党重新修改了日本战后的教育法,目标是提升年轻一代的爱国心。
- Thanks to the work of our law enforcement officials and coalition partners, hundreds of terrorists have been arrested ? 感谢我们执法人员的辛勤工作和盟友们的大力合作,已经有数百名恐怖分子落入法网。
- Thanks to the work of our law enforcement officials and coalition partners,hundreds of terrorists have been arrested ? 感谢我们执法人员的辛勤工作和盟友们的大力合作,已经有数百名恐怖分子落入法网。
- Thanks to the work of our law enforcement officials and coalition partners, hundreds of terrorists have been arrested? 感谢我们执法人员的辛勤工作和盟友们的大力合作,已经有数百名恐怖分子落入法网。
- Two of his coalition partners, the People's Party and the Greens and Farmers' Union, had demanded his ouster, he added. 他补充说,执政联盟中的人民党、绿党和农民联盟都要求他辞职。
- To stave off infighting, coalition partners have set their sights on ousting Mr. 为了避免内部纷争,执政联盟的组成方一直在想方设法让穆沙拉夫下台。
- A judge read the order banning the Chart Thai Party, one of the coalition partners. 一名法官宣读了法庭解散执政党之一泰国党的命令。
- Success for the DPJ could translate into a larger majority that diminishes the need for coalition partners. 如果日本民主党在选举中获胜,就能扩大多数席位,从而也就不需要执政联盟友党了。