- He was really done in after a close race. 一场难分胜负的赛跑之后,他真是筋疲力竭了。
- We were looking forward to a close race but the two best runners pulled out at the last minute. 我们期望着一场精彩的短跑比赛,但到最后却有两名最好的选手退出了比赛。
- Very close race between you and Jenson into the first corner in Malaysia, could be the same story tomorrow? 你和简森在马来西亚的第一个弯道竞争非常激烈,明天情况会是一样吗?
- "It's a close race between both candidates. It's a huge discerner of what's going to happen," he said. 他说:“这两名总统候选人之间的竞争非常激烈。从人们对于鸡尾酒的选择就可以清楚的看到将要发生的一切。”
- So far in Kentucky, the polls show a close race between Mr Fletcher and Mrs Northup. 肯塔基州迄今为止的民调显示,弗莱切先生和诺瑟普夫人之间的赛跑非常接近。
- Bush in a Newsweek poll of likely voters released Saturday, while a tracking poll shows a very close race. 然而一项追踪民调显示,两人有一场势均力敌的竞赛。
- Obama campaigned Thursday in Florida, where polls show he is in a close race with Senator McCain. 奥巴马周四在佛罗里达州竞选,那里的民调显示,他和参议员麦凯恩不分伯仲。
- The Democrat is in a close race in an important Senate election in the southern state of Tennessee. 民主党在南部的田纳西州一个重要的参议院的选举中竞争的不差上下。
- It will stand him in good stead in the vice-presidential debate, which could prove surprisingly important in a close race. 奥巴马在副总统辩论中会处于优势地位,而这在他与麦凯恩激烈的竞争当中意义重大。
- The Democrat is a cross ray (in a close race) in the (an) important sani (senate) election in the sudden (southern) state of Tennessee. 民主常在南部田纳西州的一场重要的参议会选举中与共和常势均力敌。
- The ruling conservative Arena party wrested the mayoralty of San Salvador, the capital, from the FMLN.The result pointed to a close race in a presidential election due in March. 当政的保守派的竞技党从马蒂民族解放阵线党手中夺取了首都圣萨尔瓦多的市长职位,成为三月总统选举中的劲敌。
- B: It was a close race. 那场赛跑旗鼓相当。
- After a campaign that was expected to result in a close race, the interior ministry announced on Saturday that Mr Ahmadi-Nejad had won 62.6 per cent of the vote and his challenger 33.7 per cent. 此前人们预期,大选结果会难分轩轾。大选结束后,伊朗内政部上周六宣布,内贾德赢得62.;6%25的选票,其挑战者得票33
- Watch out for a few close races: Yi riding on KG's coattails, Melo surpassing Amare, and CP3 falling behind TMac. 注意下有好几个票数接近的位置的竞争:易建联紧随加内特之后,甜瓜安东尼的得票超过了小斯,而蜂王克里斯-保罗则是掉到了麦迪后面。
- That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹马在下一场比赛中肯定赢。
- He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。
- President Bush and House Speaker Dennis Hastert to campaign together on behalf of two Illinois Republicans in close races. 布什总统和众议院议长哈斯特尔特向两位代表一起竞选共和党伊利诺密切赛事。
- The new race track is nearly six miles in extent. 这条新跑道将近六英里长。
- I break away from her and race for the door. 我一下挣脱她,朝门口奔去。
- He has got himself psyched up for the race. 他为赛跑做好了充分的心理准备。