- If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby. 如果我有机会,我一定会要一个克隆的孩子。
- Dr. Severino Antinori told a news conference in Rome on Tuesday that the cloned baby is due in January. 11月26日,塞韦里诺·安蒂诺里在罗马召开新闻发布会,宣布第一个克隆人将于明年1月份诞生。
- The transfers did not lead to a viable pregnancy but Dr Zavos said it was a serious attempt at producing a cloned baby. 这次移植没有带来有效的妊娠,但是扎沃斯说这是一次真正的克隆婴儿的尝试。
- An Italian fertility expert says a patient will give birth to a cloned baby early next year but experts,including one who helped create Dolly the sheep,are skeptical. 意大利一位人类生育学专家日前宣布,他的一位实验对象将于明年年初生下第一个克隆人。然而,许多科学家,甚至包括克隆羊"多莉"之父在内,都对此表示怀疑。
- An Italian fertility expert says a patient will give birth to a cloned baby early next year but experts, including one who helped create Dolly the sheep, are skeptical. 意大利一位人类生育学专家日前宣布,他的一位实验对象将于明年年初生下第一个克隆人。 然而,许多科学家,甚至包括克隆羊"多莉"之父在内,都对此表示怀疑。
- The human imperative to procreate is sure to keep Antinori's waiting room filled--and cloned babies on the agenda. 人类想生儿育女的渴求肯定会使安蒂诺里的候诊室挤得满满的,自然也会将克隆婴儿提上日程。
- Clone baby for infertile couples 为不育夫妇克隆婴儿
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which strongly opposes human cloning, said on Friday it was "taking steps to investigate" Clonaid's claim. It said the implantation of a cloned baby into a woman is illegal in the United States without FDA approval. 上周五,对克隆人类持强烈反对态度的美国药物食品管理局称,他们正在对"克隆援助"机构进行调查,并称不经过药物食品管理局允许就将克隆婴儿植入妇女体内是违法的。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- The baby's legs flailed under the quilt. 小孩的两条小腿在被子下面乱动。
- Since1997, when scientists announced the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, the specter of cloned babies, infants( that are in essence genetic carbon copies of adults), has loomed large in the public psyche and in the minds of lawmakers. 译文:当科学家1997年宣告首个克隆哺乳动物多利羊的诞生,克隆婴儿就在人们心中埋下了阴霾,因为它们其实/本质上就是成年人的基因复制物/翻版,这种阴霾一直笼罩在公众和立法者的心里。
- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
- The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡。
- The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon. 小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。
- The little baby was frightened by the fierce dog. 那个小孩被恶狗吓坏了。
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- Her baby has bonny and bright blue eyes. 她的孩子有一双美丽而明亮的蓝眼睛。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby. 我们供给婴儿营养只需喂奶就够了。
- I let it slip that I am expecting a baby. 我无意中透露了我已怀孕了。