- An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency. 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。
- He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law. 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。
- A civil juristic act may have conditions attached to it. Conditional civil juristic acts shall take effect when the relevant conditions are met. 民事法律行为可以附条件,附条件的民事法律行为在符合所附条件时生效。
- Any civil juristic acts performed by a person with capacity for civil conduct during the period in which he has been declared dead shall be valid. 有民事行为能力人在被宣告死亡期间实施的民事法律行为有效。
- The constitution theory of Civil Juristic Acts (CJA) which is an important system in civil law science causes widespread debate. 摘要民事法律行为制度作为民法学领域的一项重要制度,其构成要件理论引起了人们的广泛争鸣。
- A civil Juristic Act shall be the lawful act of a citizen or legal person to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations. 民事法律行为是公民或者法人设立、变更、终止民事权利和民事义务的合法行为。
- A civil juristic act subject to a stipulation of time limit shall take effect or rescind at the time when the time attached arrives. 附期限的民事法律行为,在所附期限到来时生效或者解除。
- Civil juristic acts that should be performed by the principal himself, pursuant to legal provisions or the agreement between the two parties, shall not be entrusted to an agent. 依照法律规定或者按照双方当事人约定,应当由本人实施的民事法律行为,不得代理。
- For a civil juristic act subject to a condition, if the condition attached violates the legal provisions or may not happen, such civil juristic act shall be deemed as invalid. 附条件的民事行为,如果所附的条件是违背法律规定或者不可能发生的,应当认定该民事行为无效。
- In case any pledge is destroyed or damaged in the custody of a mortgagee, the mortgagee shall then undertake civil juristic liabilities if he has faults. 抵押物在抵押权人保管期间灭失、毁损的,抵押权人如有过错,应当承担民事责任。
- In case an agent and principal are jointly and severally liable for the civil juristic acts they perform, they shall be listed as the common litigants in civil procedures. 代理人和被代理人对已实施的民事行为负连带责任的,在民事诉讼中,可以列为共同诉讼人。
- A jurist of great breadth and wisdom. 一个非常开明且睿智的法官
- The establishment of civil juristic act must be based upon an agreement of parties concerned and its starting point is at the existence of a juristic act. 民事法律行为的成立必须基于当事人的合意,即意思表示的一致,其着眼点在于法律行为是否已经存在。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
- He is a learn jurist, who has written several books on civil law. 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。
- Many soldiers went under in the Civil War. 许多士兵在内战中阵亡。
- She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职。
- He is a learn jurist,who has written several books on civil law. 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。