- The lens is supported by the ciliary muscles. 晶状体由睫状肌支持。
- Paralysis of the ciliary muscles of the eye, resulting in the loss of visual accomodation. 睫状肌麻痹眼睛的睫状肌麻痹,导致视觉功能的丧失
- The circular ciliary muscles relax which causes the suspensory ligaments taut (to have higher tension) This pulls the lens and makes it thin (less convex). [环形睫状肌松弛,它使悬韧带拉紧;这样牵引晶状体,使它变得薄(较小凸出程度)。
- Objective To investigate the reliability of Allegro Analyzer aberrometer in measuring the lower order aberrations through comparing the measured refraction by aberrometer and retinoscopy optometries under the ciliary muscles paralysed. 目的在睫状肌麻痹条件下,通过比较AllegroAnalyzer波阵面像差仪测量所得低阶像差值与视网膜检影验光所得屈光度值,以验证AllegroAnalyzer波阵面像差仪测量低阶像差的可靠性及准确性。
- This is made possible by the action of the crystalline lens and the ciliary muscle to which it is attached. 通过晶状体及其所连着的睫状肌的动作,可以做到这一点。
- My muscles are sore from lifting weights. 我的肌肉因为举重而感到酸痛。
- Conclusion Compared to emmetropia and late onset myopia, early onset myopia has a greater amount of parasympathetic innervation to the ciliary muscle that induces stretching and causes the eyes to become myopic. 结论与正视及迟发性近视比较,早发性近视者有较强的副交感神经支配,较强的副交感神经支配导致较强的睫状肌张力,从而导致眼球的牵拉和近视化的进展。
- I bent back too far and hurt my back muscles. 我后仰得太厉害,扭伤了腰部。
- meridional fibers of ciliary muscle 睫状肌经线纤维
- Exercise will firm up your muscles. 锻炼身体能使肌肉结实。
- longitudinal fibers of ciliary muscle 睫状肌纵纤维
- oblique fibers of ciliary muscle 睫状肌斜纤维
- These exercises will tone up your muscles. 这些运动方式会强健你的肌肉。
- He developed the muscles in the legs by running. 他藉着跑步使腿部的肌肉发达了。
- sphincter fibers of ciliary muscle 睫状肌环形纤维
- I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles. 我必须运动一下放松放松肌肉。
- My muscles are sore from playing baseball. 我的肌肉因打垒球而感到酸痛。
- circular fibers of ciliary muscle 睫状肌环纤维
- The muscles in the athlete's leg went into spasm. 那运动员的腿抽筋了。
- The gardeners flexed their muscles and began to dig. 园丁们舒腰展臂后才开始挖地。