- Recently, China Western Development policy was adopted to boost spectacular economic development in Xinjiang. 由于天然资源丰富,并得益于国务院的西部大开发政策,近年来新疆经济发展迅速。
- There is some certain comparability between America western develop and China western develop,so the experience and lesson of America western develop are significative to China western develop. 美国西部开发与我国西部开发具有一定的相似性;因此;探讨美国西部开发的经验与教训;对我国西部开发有一定的意义.
- The Reveal to China Western Develop from America Western Develop 美国西部开发对我国西部开发的启示
- WTO new subjects under discussion bring about challenges to China western development WTO新焦点对西部大开发的挑战
- China encourages foreign investment in the Western Development. 中国鼓励外资参与西部开发。
- china western development 西部大开发
- How Can We Do well in the Western Development? 如何搞好西部大开发?
- Set against the western development drive, the poverty in the urban areas of central China stands out most prominently. 摘要我国中部地区城镇人口贫困问题在“西部大开发”热潮映衬下尤其显得突出。
- Therefore, renewal of values is the key to the Western development. 可以说价值观念的更新是西部开发的关键是西部开发之先导
- Local governments play important roles in the western development. 地方政府在西部开发中扮演着重要的角色 ,合理、有效的地方政府行为推进着西部开发模式的转变。
- Western development is favourable for realizing the right. 西部开发有利于实现西部人民的发展权 ;
- The Western Development of China is not simply the development of economy but the coordinate develop- ment and full interactivity of the whole society. 西部大开发不只是经济的开发,而是社会的全面互动和协调发展。 西部开发之法治选择在于,法治是决定和保证经济长期稳定协调发展和社会稳定的基础性构建;
- The Great Western Development is bound to be a bridge between China and the rest world, promoting the common economic development and prosperity of China and the world at large. 西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展,共同繁荣。
- The result shows that the strong earthquakes in China Western Continent is related to the strong earthquakes in Andaman arcuate zone. 结果表明两区强震活动存在较强的相关性,近期安达曼弧段强震活跃态势将会对大陆西部未来1年及稍长时段的强震活动产生深远的影响。
- This essay goes into the subject on how to bring about a great advance concerning Western development in China by means of enhancing its urbanization level. 本文拟就如何通过提高西部城市化水平从而促进西部发展作一番探讨。
- Finally,the approach to Western Development,in long time,lies in education. 关于西部开发的制约因素 ,从长远的观点来看 ,将是教育。
- How to raise funds for the western development by means of the markets? 如何通过市场方式来为西部经济发展筹集所需资金 ?
- The Great Western Development is Great Western Opening-up in nature. 西部大开发,实质是西部大开放。
- Based on this, this paper expounds the significance of EOT in western development and gives countermeasures for overcoming the barriers of application of BOT in China. 明确BOT对西部大开发的意义,并探讨BOT应用于西部开发遇到的一些法律障碍及解决对策显得十分必要。
- Some African officials, disillusioned with the Western development model, say that China gives them hope that poor countries can find their own path to development. 许多非洲官员已经对西方经济发展模式不抱任何幻想,他们认为中国给了他们这些穷国以希望,并且帮助他们寻求自身发展之路。