- Like the whole Ruhr area, Duisburg also underwent a change of economical structure in the last several decades. 如同整个鲁尔区一样,杜伊斯堡市在过去的几十年里也经历着一场经济结构的变迁。
- Abstract:Like the whole Ruhr area, Duisburg also underwent a change of economical structure in the last several decades. 摘要:如同整个鲁尔区一样,杜伊斯堡市在过去的几十年里也经历着一场经济结构的变迁。
- change of economic structure 经济结构调整
- This will inevitably invoke industrial upgrading, readjustment of industrial structure and fundamental change of economic growth form. 这必将引发产业升级、产业结构的大调整和经济增长方式的根本性改变。
- In the meanwhile, social vicissitudes is the change of a social economic structure at the fundamental aspects, that is, the transform of pattern of material produce in a society. 而社会变迁则是指一个社会的经济结构在质上的变化,实际上就是社会的物质生产方式的转变。
- The greater the similarity of economic structure, the greater the interdependence of the urban and national economies. 经济结构愈相似,城市经济与国家经济的互相依赖程度越高。
- The system arrangement of value and droit can mirror exiguous sex to conduce to the adjustment of economic structure. 价值和所有权的制度安排能够反映稀少性有助于经济结构的调整。
- Secondly, we claim that the fundamental cause of Deregulation of CATI is Transfer of Economic Structure. 第二,指出体制转轨因素是中国民航运输业放松管制的最根本动因;
- And dajusting our economic structure from inflecting our model of economic development gradually,and so on. 从长期改变我国的经济发展模式,调整我国的经济结构等。
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。
- It is imperative that we pay adequate attention to raising the quality and efficiency of economic growth by readjusting and optimizing the economic structure. 关键要注重调整和优化结构,着力提高经济增长质量和效益。
- The change of economic growth mode basically depends on the change economic system mode and development mode. 转变经济增长方式,根本上依赖于经济体制模式和发展模式的转变。
- With the transition of the economic structure in Taiwan, the service trade becomes lifeblood of economic development of Taiwan. 随著台湾经济结构的转变,服务业已逐渐成为台湾经济发展的命脉。
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- Of economic structure reasonable, efficient thereby economic abidance, harmonious development, it is the mark with economic optimum behavior. 经济结构的合理、高效从而经济的持续、协调发展,是经济行为最优的标志。
- A good pitcher has a change of pace. 一个好投手能投出速度捉摸不定的球。
- The doctor urged a change of air. 医生力劝换个环境。
- Levels of economic structure as well as different characters of Hui and Zang nationalities provide their association with golden opportunities, enriching the content of society. 回藏民族性格的差异以及经济结构的多层次性,为回藏民族间的交往提供了契机,并形成了丰富的社会内容。
- This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。
- Circumstances have compelled a change of plan. 因情况所迫,计划已经改变。