- Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral vascular malformation presenting a chronic intracerebral hematoma. 表现为慢性脑内血肿的脑血管畸形诊断与治疗。
- Some etiology and risk factors are congenital,while,some are not preventable and controllable,such as,cerebral vascular malformation inborn,cerebral starch-like angionosis. 有些病因及危险因素是先天因素,是不可预防和控制的,如先天性脑血管畸形、脑淀粉样血管病。
- cerebral vascular malformation 脑血管畸形
- Keywords Magnetic susceptibility effect;Magnetic resonance imaging;Cerebral vascular malformation;Cerebral trauma disease;Brain neoplasm;Trauma;Neurodegenerative diseases;Venous imaging; 磁敏感效应;磁共振成像;脑血管畸形;脑肿瘤;脑外伤;神经变性疾病;静脉显像;
- The expression of Fas antigen in hemangioma and vascular malformation. Fas抗原在血管瘤及血管畸形中的表达及意义。
- Title: The expression of Fas antigen in hemangioma and vascular malformation. 关键词:血管瘤;基因表达;抗原类;免疫组织化学
- cerebral vascular malformations 脑血管畸形
- Objective: To assess the clinical significance of DSA in vascular malformation of the spinal cord. 目的 :评价脊髓血管畸形数字减影血管造影 (DSA)诊断的临床意义。
- Objective:To evaluate the role of MRI in the diagnosis of intraspinal canal vascular malformation. 目的:评价MRI对椎管内血管畸形的诊断价值。
- Clinicaly it is not easy to make a differential diagnosis with intramuscular vascular malformation. 处理上则可以用大范围的切除。临床上不易与肌肉内血管畸形做鑑别诊断。
- VBE is a kind of common edema in clinics, which is always accompanied with cerebral vascular disease, encephalitis, brain tumor, brain trauma. VBE是临床上最常见的一种脑水肿类型,是脑血管疾病、脑炎、脑肿瘤、脑外伤等许多疾病常见并发症之一。
- Whereas the causes diagnosed by CT were cerebral aneurysm 461,vascular malformations 259,arteriosclerosis 151. CT诊断动脉瘤所致出血461例,血管畸形259例,动脉硬化151例。
- Objictive Treatment of 15 patients with intracranial hemorrhagic cerebral vascular diseases with stent grafts. 目的初步应用带膜支架治疗出血性脑血管病15例。
- Objective The surgical treatment, approaches and result in ten patients with brain stem vascular malformation(BVM) was reported. 目的 探讨脑干血管畸形的外科治疗方法、手术入路和治疗效果。
- Treament of acute ischemic cerebral vascular disease with urokinase intravenous dissolving blood-cork. 尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗急性缺血性脑血管病31例临床分析
- In cases of vascular malformation, the presence of a signal void caused by vascular structures containing flowing blood is a clue to the diagnosis. 在血管畸形的影像中,由于流空效应产生的影像是诊断的一个线索。
- Objective:To explore Cerebral vascular changes in patients with Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. 目的:探索线粒体脑肌病患者脑动脉影像学特点。
- Objective: To find out the effect of estrogen receptor and several angiogenesis factors on the pathogenesis of hemangioma and vascular malformation. 目的:探讨雌激素受体与数种血管形成因子在血管瘤和血管畸形病理发生中的作用。
- Conclusion may take important role in reducing vascular parkinsonism of preventing cerebral vascular diseases. 结论预防脑血管病是减少血管性帕金森综合征的一个重要方面。
- This algorithm proves a better sensitivity to supratentonial venous and the lesion territory of tumor and vascular malformation compared with the ... 该方法对幕上微小静脉结构、肿瘤及血管畸形病灶的显示敏感性优于传统磁共振成像法。