- Methods: According to the main pathogenesis of blood stasis in brain vessels and insufficiency of blood supply of the VD rats. 方法:拟定了以活血化瘀、血补虚、脑开窍的通脉益智丹对血管痴呆大鼠进行实验研究。
- Professor Zhou Wenquan was good at treating angiocardiopathy by promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis in clinic. 周文泉主任医师,在临床上擅长用活血化瘀法治疗心血管疾病。
- Results: All the above indices showed that the degree of blood stasis in the collected cases after TACE were higher than that before TACE. 结果:从血瘀证得分、血凝状态,及血液流变学方面,都表明肝癌患者行TACE术后血瘀程度较术前明显加重。
- Methods:According to the main pathogenesis of blood stasis in brain vessels and insufficiency of blood supply of the VD rats. 方法:拟定了以活血化瘀、养血补虚、醒脑开窍的通脉益智丹对血管痴呆大鼠进行实验研究。
- The paper summarized the progress qi deficiency and blood stasis in diagnosis and treatment of angina pectoris of coronary heart disease. 文章对近年来气虚血瘀在中医药诊治冠心病心绞痛的应用研究进展进行了综述。
- Guizhi Fuling Capsule"was employed to treat the pain syndrome due to the blood stasis in the lower energizer.Three cases were listed. 采用口服桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗以下焦瘀血为主要病机的痛证,疗效肯定。以验案3则佐证。英文翻译,英语:
- Objective: AMD patients with macular thickness of the changes of phlegm and blood stasis in the pathogenesis of AMD's role. 摘要目的:通过分析AMD患者黄斑厚度的变化,探讨痰瘀在AMD发病中的作用。
- Expounded the importance of blood stasis in children allergic purpura from TCM and Western medicine, at the same time, gave prescription and drugs to treat the disease. 从中医和西医两个方面阐发了瘀血在过敏性紫癜中的重要地位,同时探讨了从瘀论治的方药。
- Conclusion: TACE has an important effect on the genesis and development of blood stasis in liver cancer patients, stagnation of blood is severely aggravated aftetr TACE. 结论:肝动脉化疗栓塞术对肝癌患者血瘀证的发生、发展具有重要的影响,术后血瘀程度较前明显加重。
- Deficient vital QI leading to lingering of pathogen is the basis of lung cancer, retention of phlegm and blood stasis in the lungis the nature of lung cancer pathology. 正虚邪蕴是肺癌发病的基础,痰瘀蕴肺是肺癌的病理本质。
- Conclusion: Based on AMD patients with macular thickness of the machine analysis, confirmed the phlegm and blood stasis in the pathogenesis of AMD important role. 结论:通过对AMD患者的黄斑厚度的病机分析,证实了痰瘀在AMD发病中的重要作用。
- Indications: for accumulation of blood stasis in the head or upper body with signs like headache, dizziness, ear ringing, hair loss, dark-purple complexion, dark circles, and brandy nose. 主治:瘀阻头面,表现头痛昏晕,耳聋,脱发,眼疼白珠红,面色青紫,酒渣鼻,白紫癜风,牙疳,以及妇女乾血劳,小儿疳积而见消瘦、腹大青筋、潮热等。
- Objective: Observation medicine intravenous drug injection Erigeron phenol treatment of cerebral infarction Cerebral syndrome of blood stasis in the collateral of the brain clinical efficacy. 摘要目的:观察静脉滴注中药新药注射用灯盏细辛酚治疗脑梗死脑络瘀阻证临床疗效。
- syndrome of blood stasis in ears 血瘀耳窍证
- Ariel by Sylvia Plath Stasis in darkness. -------------------------------------------- 这个翻译真是云里雾里 爱丽尔 壅滞陷入黑暗之中。
- In treatment,blood stasis that an important factor should be se... 在治疗中,尤其要抓住瘀血这个关键要素。
- Decoction for removing blood stasis in the chest 血府逐瘀汤
- Decoction for Attacking Blood Stasis in the Lower Abdomen 抵当汤
- A Study on Weak Vital Energy and Blood Stasis in 254 Cases with Gastric Cancer 254例胃恶性肿瘤患者正虚血瘀病机的研究
- Blood stasis lead to outward extravasation of blood. 治宜清热润肺,滋补肾阴;