- Which of the following, if true, provides the best basis for a rebuttal of the criticism? 所以反驳的基础是---->节省的钱不是因为省水费...而是另有他因
- Seenu is the "second city" of the Maldives, and the best base from which to visit traditional Maldivian island communities. 斯努环礁是马尔代夫的“第二城市”,是造访马尔代夫传统岛屿社区的最佳中转驻地。
- Wang Shih-hsiang, an expert in Ming dynasty furniture, advises that patterns and embellishments are the best basis for verifying antique furniture. 明式傢具专家王式襄认为,花纹是鑑定傢具的最好依据。
- American business needs to be there,and Hong Kong will continue to provide the best base for entering and growing in those markets. 美国公司必须抓紧亚洲市场提供的机会,而香港将会继续是美国进入这些市场发展的最理想基地。
- American business needs to be there, and Hong Kong will continue to provide the best base for entering and growing in those markets. 美国公司必须抓紧亚洲市场提供的机会,而香港将会继续是美国进入这些市场发展的最理想基地。
- ANab, AEsh (Acid Bomb, Shadow Strike): Acid bomb is very versatile and probably the best base for a direct damage ability. 酸性炸弹,暗影突袭):酸性炸弹是用途最广同时也可能是最好的直接伤害技能的模版。
- Usage: Enriched with vitamins and minerals. The GLA is effective in defending aging and repairing damaged cells. It is one of the best base oil for facial massage. 用途:内含丰富维他命与矿物质,其中的亚麻酸(GLA)对预防皮肤老化现象极其助益,对受损细胞有修护作用,非常适合充当面部按摩油中的添加油。
- Autogenous bone grafting is the best base for implant osseointegration.Recently, tibial bone has been recognized as an alternative extraoral donor site. 自体骨移植一直是提供牙科植体骨整合的最好根基,近年来经骨已成为提供口腔外取骨处的另一种选择。
- We have been able to make a great contribution as a source of capital and know-how,and as the best base for the world's businesses to use in developing their contacts with the Mainland. 我们也一直对这个进程作出了贡献:我们提供了资金和技术,也成为世界各国商界与内地建立联系的最佳据点。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- The research of this thesis provides better base on the whole study of the anthropopathic mechanical arms. 本文的研究工作为拟人机械手臂的整体研究奠定了基础。
- C/T is of important clinical value in the diagnosis of PCa, and may be a new and significant indicator to provide a better basis for the diagnosis of PCa. C/T在PCa诊断上具有重要临床价值,有很大可能成为新的较有意义的指标为PCa诊断提供更好的依据。
- He nabbed the best seat in the house. 他抢到剧院最好座位。
- Well based on the modern information technology, BDA has realized the digitalized government administration and service. 开发区利用现代信息技术,实现政府行政管理和服务职能的电子化和网络化。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。
- Although he's nearly fifty, he can still play tennis with the best. 尽管他已年近五十,可是他网球还是打得不比别人差。
- Tessa laid out her best dress to wear at the party. 特莎准备出她最好的衣服去赴会。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。