- High-Performance Precision Approach Control Radar 高性能精确进场控制雷达
- approach control radar 进场指挥雷达
- Also within each zone are portions of airspace, about 50 miles (80.5 km) in diameter, called TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) airspace. 同样在每一个区域内都有多个直径约为50英里(80.;5公里)的小空域,叫做终端管制(终端雷达近场管制的简称)空域。
- Terminal radar approach control - TRACON handles departing and approaching aircraft within its space. 终端雷达管制区(TRACON)-负责本区内飞机的起落。
- If a fire control radar is installed on the fighter, using TSE will improve the performance of AA gunshot. 在具备机载火控雷达的条件下,使用目标状态估值器能够提高空对空射击性能。
- The training simulator of anti-air gun fire control radar is a new kind of training equipment adapted to modern war. 摘要雷达训练模拟器是适应现代战争条件而诞生的一种新型防空兵训练设备。
- The simulator, which is functioned for training of electronic countermeasure, can hold a suppositional war field for the training of anti-air gun fire control radar. 该模拟器解决了雷达目标的实时生成、控制、搜索和显示等关键问题,新增了电子干扰与反干扰的训练内容,完整实现了战场环境下的炮瞄雷达攻防对抗训练。
- TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control 终端雷达进近管制
- CERAC Combined Center Radar Approach Control 雷达进近管制联合中心
- A new target-tracking algorithm was proposed for airborne fire control radar operating with high pulse repetition frequency(HPRF) in frequency-modulated ranging(FMR) mode. 通过多假设的方法,把机载火控雷达高重复频率线性调频测距模式下的目标距离估计和模糊分辨问题转变为静态多模型估计和判决问题。
- Terminal Radar Approach Control Cab 终端雷达进场控制驾驶室
- Transportable Radar Approach Control 移动式雷达进场控制
- Terminal Radar Approach Control Automation System 终端雷达进场控制自动化系统
- Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility 终端雷达进场控制设备
- Model is built by constraints of develop cost and schedule in the example fire control radar conceptual design, calculational conclusion demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model. 最后以火控雷达的概念设计为例,以研制费用和研制进度为约束条件建立模型,计算说明此模型是有效的。
- Sequencing and optimal scheduling method was developed for approach control of air traffic to handle increasing traffic volumes. 针对空中交通进近管制地区日益繁忙的交通流量,设计了一种进近排序及优化调度方案。
- The target movement information which AA gunshot fire control needs can he provided by using Kalman filter to process the dada offered by on hoard fire control radar and other sensors. 摘要使用卡尔曼滤波器对机载火控雷达及其它传感器提供的数据进行处理,可以得到空对空射击火力控制需要的目标运动信息。
- Each JLENS consists of a long-range surveillance radar and a high-performance fire control radar, each integrated onto a large aerostat connected by a tether to a ground-based processing station. 三天的技术审查评估了每个主要项目的系统需求与功能,包括火控雷达、监视雷达、处理工作站、通信系统以及航空器平台。
- When you are 10 miles (16 km) from the runway, the approach controller passes your plane off to the local controller in the airport tower. 在我们的飞机距离着陆跑道还有10英里(16公里)时,降落管制人员将飞机交由机场地面指挥中心本地管制人员管理。
- The thesis studies a multi-signals data acquisition, supervisory and control system. In Labwindows/CVI, A approach control data acquisition system based on virtual instrument is developed. 论文针对引控数据采集系统的多路信号采集与监控进行了研究,提出了在Labwindows/CVI环境下开发基于虚拟仪器技术的引控数据采集系统。