- anulus vaginalis 鞘环
- Study on infections and drug resistance of mycoplasma in female vaginalis. 株解脲支原体耐药分析。
- Objective To screen new Chinese herbs against Trichomonas vaginalis . 目的筛选用于治疗滴虫性阴道炎的中草药。
- Summary of Background Data.Tears are evidence of structural failure involving the anulus. 数据信息概要:裂隙是包括纤维环在内结构失效的证据。
- Objecties. To determine if there is morphologic and molecular eidence for polarity in cells of the human anulus. 目的:观察人纤维环细胞是否在形态和分子学证据方面存在极性。
- At each of the stages, ultrasonic appearance would change as d egeneration progressed in both the anulus and n... 结论:超声能够清晰显示椎间盘组织的内部结构信息,反映不同退变程度的病理结构改变。
- Objective: To compare the rabbit model of degenerative intervertebral disc by anulus puncture and nucleus aspiration. 摘要目的:比较采用纤维环穿刺法和髓核抽吸法建立兔椎间盘退变动物模型的不同。
- A vaginal inflammation caused by a trichomonad(Trichomonas vaginalis) and resulting in a refractory discharge and itching. 毛滴虫病由毛滴虫(阴道毛滴虫毛滴虫属)引起的阴道炎,其结果是不起反应的排出和搔痒
- Objective To discuss the clinical characteristic and treatment of anulus fibrosis spallation from Lumbar Disc Herniation. 目的探讨纤维环剥脱型腰椎间盘突出症的临床特点和治疗。
- Objective. To assess the effects of reloading after simulated microgravity on PG metabolism in nucleus pulposus (NP) and anulus fibrosus (AF). 目的:评测模拟微重力产生的继发负荷对纤维环和髓核中的粘蛋白的变化的影响。
- Abstract:Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past. 摘要:以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。
- Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past. 以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。
- Peak tensile radial strains occurred as vertical bands throughout the anulus, which may contribute to radial tears and herniations. 最大张力放射状应变发生在垂直线通过纤维环时,这可能造成放射状撕裂和突出。
- The aim of this study is to characterize the apoptosis or PCD of Trichomonas vaginalis induced by metronidazole (MTZ). 本研究旨在了解甲硝唑诱导阴道毛滴虫细胞凋亡的特征。
- Conclusions The infection rate of Trichomonas vaginalis in this area was 12.30%. 结论该地区妇科门诊患者阴道毛滴虫感染率为12.;30%25。
- Results Metronidazole (MTZ) induced an apoptotic-like cell death in T. vaginalis. 流式细胞检测分析脂酰丝氨酸暴露情况。
- Objective To study the cultivation condition of Trichomonas vaginalis in solid medium. 目的研究阴道毛滴虫在固态培养基中的生长条件。
- The progressive damage appears to develop with a small cleft (within layer spreading) inside the first inner layer of the anulus. 损伤的进展看似由纤维环最内第一层产生的小裂口开始。
- The disease of Gardneralla vaginalis of fox (GVF) is a newly discovered zoonosis. 摘要狐阴道加德纳氏菌病是新发现的一种人畜共患病。
- Objective To study the diagnostic method of monoclonalantibody rapid latex agglutination of Trichomonas vaginalis. 目的建立阴道毛滴虫单克隆抗体乳胶快速诊断方法。