- agricultural soil mechanics 农业土壤力学
- Lambe, and Whitman, Soil mechanics, Pitman Advanced Pub., London, (1969). 黄兆龙,"混凝土病变及修复",混凝土施工技术研讨会,台湾营建研究中心,(1987)。
- Influence of rare eatrth elements on chemical transformation of nitrogen in agricultural soil. 施加外源稀土元素对土壤中氮形态转和有效性的影响。
- Practical design problems dictate that soil mechanics and engineering geology be closely related. 实际的设计问题说明力学和工程地质学有着密切联系。
- Organic acids are normal constituents of most agricultural soils. 有机酸是大多数农业土壤中通常的组分。
- The Environmental Capacity of Copper, Zinc, Nickel in Agricultural soil in Nanhai, Guangdong. 广东省南海市农业土壤中铜锌镍的环境容量
- Paraquat polluted experiment on the agricultural soil animal be taken in this project. 应用克无踪农药对农田生态系统土壤动物进行污染模拟实验。
- A knowledge of soil mechanics is essential, since this will give an idea of the likely settlements. 土力学的知识很重要,因为土力学知识将使人们对可能发生的沉降有所了解。
- The Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics (IRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, was founded in 1958. 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所创建于1958年,是中国科学院高技术研究基地型研究所,专门从事岩土力学基础与应用研究、以强烈工程应用背景为特征的综合性研究机构。
- Wood, D.M. 1990. Soil Behavior and Critical State Soil Mechanics, Cambridge University Press. 土工原理与计算,河海大学钱家欢,殷宗泽主编,中国水利水电出版社,1996
- The loss of bioavailable phosphorus (BAP) from agricultural soil to surface waters in runoff can accelerate the eutrophication of receiving waters. 本文通过模拟降雨径流实验,运用两种生物可利用磷(BAP)的化学浸提方法,在1。
- Because the soil mechanics is a foundation engineering technique subject with high technica and high practicability. 土力学是一门技术性强、实用性强的工程技术基础学科。
- Because the soil mechanics is a foundation engineering technique subject with high techniea and high practicabili- ty. 土力学是一门技术性强、实用性强的工程技术基础学科。
- Scientists in West Country, mainly in US and Canada, are seeking to sequester C in agricultural soil (C sink) to offset their commitment to the Kyoto act. 以美国和加拿大为代表的发达国家正在热衷于研究农业土壤作为大气CO2 的“汇”。
- Gao Z L,Chen X P,Zhang F S et al.Continuous-automatic method for measuring N2O emission from agricultural soil[J].Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science,2005,11 (1):64-70. [4]高志岭;陈新平;张福锁;等.;农田土壤N2O排放的连续自动测定方法[J]
- This type of failure, illustrated in the margin sketch, has been treated in exhaustive detail in many standard soil mechanics textbooks. 这种由插图描述的破坏类型,在许多权威的土壤力学教科书中已经极其详尽地讨论过了。
- This paper presents the methodology of soil mechanics teaching at Tsinghua University,with a focus on the aspect of student practical training. 文章介绍了清华大学土力学课程的内容,重点介绍土力学教学实践环节中富有特色的方面。
- Agricultural soils are the ultimate recipient and depository of most applied foliar and soil pesticides. 喷撒于叶面和用于土壤的农药大多以农业土壤为其最终受体和贮存场所。
- Soil mechanics has a strong engineering background,which thus necessitates an introduction of practical training for undergraduate. 土力学具有很强的工程实践背景,在课堂上向本科生引入实践教学环节非常必要。
- CUI Guang-xin.Mechanics of frozen soil for deep alluvium:a new field of frozen soil mechanics[J].Glaciology and Geocryology,1998(2):97-99. [8]崔广心.;深土冻土力学:深土力学发展的新领域[J]