- agreeable spot for a picnit 舒适的野餐地点
- This lake has been a scenic spot for a long time. 这个湖泊久已成为一个风景区。
- This is a nice spot for a house. 这里是建房的好地方。
- This lake has been a scenic spot for a long time . 这个湖泊久已成为一个风景区。
- We should find a sheltered spot for a picnic. 我們該找个有遮蔽的地方野餐
- The lake has been a scenic spot for a long time. 这个湖泊早成为一个风景区。
- Yeah. It sure would be a great spot for a cruise. 是啊,要不然它肯定会成为一个巡游的好场所。
- Girls have a soft spot for a man with a broken heart. 女孩子很容易为心碎的男人所打动。
- I've always had a real soft spot for him. 我一向对他挺有好感。
- They seem to have picked on just the right spot for a picnic. 看来他们选对了野餐的地点。
- This mountain has been a scenic spot for a long time. 这座山很久以来一直是个风景区
- He was serving a ten spot for arson. 他因纵火罪在服十年徒刑。
- Jane sends her regards. She has always had a weak spot for you. 简捎信问候你,她总是特别喜爱你。
- I'm afraid we are in for a spot of trouble. 恐怕我们是一定要遇到麻烦了。
- We soon realized that we had licked on a most suitable spot for a camping site. 我们很快意识到,我们挑选了一个合适的地方进行野餐。
- Found a handy spot for the can opener. 为开罐头的人找到了一个现成的开启点
- The tree lords of Tali Township are a favorite spot for a snooze in the shade. 大里乡的树王公也是乡民纳凉打盹的好地方。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我们到河边野餐去吧。
- I have a soft spot for my old school. 我对母校怀有眷恋之情。
- Are you ready for a spot of lunch? 你想吃点儿午饭吗?