- Then, put some oil in the wok and add in the meat. 然后,在锅里放些油,把肉放进去。
- Remember to add in the cost of drinks. 记住把饮料费加进去。
- How to Add in Food for Emulsifier Correctly? 乳化剂应如何正确添加到食品中?
- We have to add in the firing step. 要加煅烧工序。
- The last item on the list was added in pencil. 单子上的最后一项是用铅笔加上去的。
- Comments are very easy to add in FrontPage. 在FrontPage中添加注释非常简单。
- Add in sugar and egg yolk gradually. 慢慢加入糖及蛋黄,继续发打。
- Can bee pollen add in with honey drink? 蜂花粉可以跟蜂蜜加在一起喝吗?
- At last add in evaporated milk and oil and mix. 把淡奶和沙拉油混合加入拌匀。
- Add in butter, egg and milk to form a dough. 加入牛油,鸡蛋和温牛奶搅打成团。
- Add in the six feelers and it is done! 再加上六根虾须;便完成了.
- Whisk egg white till frothy, add in fresh cream. 2将蛋白打匀,加入鲜忌廉。
- Add in the Dried Bunito Flakes, reheat the soup. 加入柴鱼片,再次加热。
- Add in coconut shreds and hazelnut powder. 加入椰丝和榛子粉,用橡胶刮刀捞拌均匀。
- Add in water, oxo and Port wine, bring to the boil. 倒入清水、牛肉汤粒及砵酒煮滚。
- Add in two teaspoons of baking soda. 再加入两茶匙梳打粉。
- Something added in order to augment weight or size or fill space. 装填物为了增加重量或尺寸或填满空余而加进去的物质
- The last item on the list is added in pencil. 单子上的最后一项是用铅笔加上去的。
- Mrs. Fisher added in an undertone to Selden. 费雪太太小声对赛尔登说。
- After mixing the flour and sugar,add in the fruit juice. 把面粉与糖搅和后,加入果汁。