- There is a tangle of ropes on the deck. 甲板上有一团乱绳。
- Their thoughts are a tangle of unexamined impulses. 他们的想法是没有条理一团乱麻。
- A squad of six Elites was ahead, hunkered behind a tangle of ducts. 一队精英六领先后;盘后面紊乱的导管.
- John was sitting on the floor in a tangle of blankets. 约翰坐在地板上一床皱巴巴的毛毯上。
- a tangle of branches 盘绕(纠结)在一起的树枝
- The moon ran with him, slipping through a tangle of bare branches overhead, across the starry sky. 灿烂的星空上,月亮与它同行,在头顶上那团交缠的秃枝间时隐时现。
- The boy got into a tangle over the rules of the game. 男孩子们在比赛规则上发生了争吵。
- The bus driver drove with machismo through a tangle of marrow streets. 公共汽车司机得意洋洋地驱车在狭小的街巷中穿行。
- A bright-orange roulette wheel spinning above a tangle of shroud lines. 一个鲜橙色的大轮盘,在一大团绳索上空旋转。
- We can say The New Historicist Novels are still in a tangle of "truth". 可以说,先锋历史小说的创作仍然没有摆脱“真实”的缠绕。
- It allows HDMI content to stream to several devices without a tangle of wires. 他允许不使用杂乱的电缆就可以将媒体流连接到几个设备之上。
- There was a tangle of regulations and rules in starting a new business. 开展一项新业务时需要面对一堆纷繁的法律法规。
- A tangle of white pond lilies sits in the front of a canoe in a Maine pond. 在缅因州的一个池塘里,白色的睡莲纠结在一艘小舟前面。
- How many kinds of branches of a foreign company? 外商投资企业的分支机构分为哪几种?
- His financial affairs are in such a tangle. 他的钱财是糊涂帐。
- Behind the main thoroughfares is a tangle of narrow streets, lined with four- or five-storey houses and small shops. 在主要大街的后面是横七竖八的狭窄巷道,两边排列着四、五层的楼房及小店铺。
- The trees overhung the brook forming an arch of branches. 那些树伸向小溪上,形成一道树枝的拱门。
- A small man of about thirty, with green eyes and a tangle of fair hair, stood looking down at me. 我面前站着一个三十岁上下的矮小的汉子,碧绿的眼睛,一头乱七八糟的淡黄头发,他正低头望着我。
- Fused to the rachis are a series of branches, or barbs. 有一连串与羽轴接合的分支,叫做羽枝。
- The narrow F ring, a tangle of several lumpy strands, sits isolated just beyond Saturn's A ring and also is straddled by two moons, Pandora and Prometheus. 比较窄的F环,像几股粗细不规则的缆绳缠绞在一起,孤单地坐落于土星的A环之外,并有两颗卫星土卫十七和土卫十六跨于两旁。