- Does it show disrespect for Yue Fei? 这不是对岳飞的不尊重嘛?
- Yue Fei died at thirty-nine years of age. 岳飞死的时候才三十九岁。
- Yue Fei is famous for his loyalty to his country. 岳飞以他的精忠报国精神显扬于世。
- Take me to look at the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei. 你快带我去看一下岳飞墓吧。
- Yue Qin small small rebellion that the arrest of General Yue Fei. 小秦说小岳谋反,逮捕了岳飞。
- There are many great heroes in Chinese history; for example, Yue Fei, ect. 中国历史上有很多英雄,例如,岳飞,等。
- There are four iron men kneeling in front of the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei. 岳飞墓的门口跪着四个铁人呢。
- Although Yue Fei was put to death by Qin Hui, his good name will last forever! 岳飞虽然被秦桧害死了,但他的美名万古流芳!
- Even human beings could become gods. For example,Chinese folk heros such as Guan Gong,Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei. 连人都可以变神,像中国的民间英雄关公、孔明、岳飞就是。
- Sixteen years after this, Yue Fei was posthumously honoured with the title Wu'Mu or Brave and Serene. 又过了16年,即淳熙五年,赐谥号“武穆”;
- After Yue Fei was recruited into the Song army in 1126, he was sent to the front to fight against the Jin intruders. 1126年,(靖康元年)他应募参军,奔赴抗金前线。
- The beautiful West Lake provides an appropriate setting for a loyal and patriotic soul like Yue Fei. 西湖秀丽的山水,陪伴着岳飞的忠魂;
- Even human beings could become gods. For example, Chinese folk heros such as Guan Gong, Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei. 连人都可以变神,像关公、孔明、岳飞就是。
- The Tomb and Temple of Yue Fei are at the southwest corner of West Lake , next to the ShagnriLa Hotel. 岳飞墓和岳王庙在西湖的西南面,与香格里拉大酒店毗邻。
- Yue fei's temple, as the North Temple of the main building Dening, particularly spectacular. 作为北岳庙主体建筑的德宁之殿,尤其令人叹为观止。
- To Jin Wei converted into East and West Temple, which as the first originator of North yue fei's temple. 至晋魏改建为东西二庙,这当为北岳庙最早的发端。
- Over the image of Yue Fei is a horizontal board inscribed with Huan'Wo'He'Shan or Restore Our Lost Territory, which was Yue Fei's lifelong goal. 坐像顶端,悬挂着一块镌有“还我河山”四字的大匾,这是岳飞毕生奋斗的目标;
- As people cherished the memories of Yue Fei and hated Qin Hui and his followers, they had these four cast in iron, to kneel forever before Yue Fei. 人们怀念岳飞,痛恨秦桧一伙,铸了这四个铁像,让他们永远跪在岳飞面前。
- If Yue Fei resist gold national hero, then army when the Northern Expedition staunch to resist Song Jin Jun it leads to be a national hero? 如果岳飞抗金是民族英雄,那么宋军北伐时顽强抵抗的金军将领是不是民族英雄?
- Among the most important scenic spots in Hangzhou are the Monastery of Soul's Retreat, Yue Fei's Temple and the Pagoda of Six Harmonies. 杭州重要的景点有灵隐寺、岳飞庙和六和塔。