- Yoshida Tatsuo 吉田达男(1935-),日本人,县日中友好协会负责人。
- Murase T, Tada K, Yoshida T, Moritomo H. 陈文,王体沛,邢敦凯,等。
- "Yoshida" checked with Sato, who thought this might work. “吉田”征求了佐藤的意见,佐藤认为这个办法也许可行。
- Yoshida san: I think that Japanese CG is probably more limited in scope than western CG animation. 我认为日本动画在设计的范围上比西方动画更有限。
- Tatsuo Horita ,a banker from Japan ,is visiting with an officer of the Bank of England . 来自日本的银行家堀田达夫正在与英格兰银行的一位高级职员闲谈,
- Mr. Tatsuo Yamashita, the new General Manager of Business Department No.4, has moved here from our Purchasing Division. 我们相信上述的组织变更将有助于我们在各个方面更好地为客户服务.
- They are Yoshida Tatsuya, Tsuyama Atsushi, Kawabata Makoto, Chinese music fans are familiar with them. 所有的声音都在我们周围的各个角落存在着,而我就仅仅是发现声音,并在人们面前表演出来。
- Sachiko and Yoshida are newlyweds, and have just moved into a newly-constructed apartment with completely white rooms. 早智子和吉田是新婚佳偶,他们搬入一栋新修建及拥有白色房间的公寓居住。
- Yoshida founded the Ministry for International Trade and Industry, MITI, whose bureaucrats were famously powerful. 鸠山创立了国际贸易工业部,MITI,其下官僚势力极为严重。
- MINORU Yoshida,OSAMU Tada,HASHIME Joe.Programming of the Engine Control Unit by the C Language[C].SAE Paper 960047. 汤子瀛,杨成忠.;计算机操作系统[M]
- Taro Aso's grandfather, Shigeru Yoshida, and father-in-law, Zenko Suzuki, were both Prime Ministers of Japan. 麻生太郎的外祖父吉田茂和岳父铃木善幸都出任过日本首相。
- Yoshida, Kathleen Burke (2000).Avoiding Typeface Terrors.STC 47th Annual Conference, STC Proceedings. 朗文多功能分类辞典,(张信威译),香港:朗文出版社。
- Yoshida's rule came to an end in 1954 when he was unseated as prime minister by his nemesis, Ichiro Hatoyama. 1954年,吉田茂下野,结束执政,其死对头鸠山一郎当政。
- Yoshida says the flat panel display business is key to JSR's business strategy . 吉田说,纯平显示器将是决定JSR公司经营策略的关键。
- Yoshida san: The language barrier can be quite tough, so gaining ability to understand Japanese is highly recommendable. 语言是个很棘手的障碍,强烈建议学好日语。
- Official site finally provides information about this Lavender rabbit family, they are from Yoshida Toy Shop, Hokkaido. So kawaii ne!! 终于有薰衣草兔家族官方的消啦;原来佢地黎自北海道的吉田玩具店.;真可爱;大家睇下!!
- Yoshida's groundbreaking film portrayed real social issues in an unromantic light, and paved the way for all the cinematic "roughs" to come. 片末火车站送别一场,在家和社会之间,吉田喜重作出了左翼的选择。
- Ijima, T., Yamamoto, T. and Yoshida, A., “Dynamics of elastically moored floatinf objects,” Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 2, NO. 2, pp. 85-92, 1980. 钱中弘,浮码头的运动行为分析,国立海洋大学河海工程学系硕士班硕士论文,1999。
- Japanese scholars Oda Tatsuo, Isoba Akira and Nakano Miyoko, etc. have made some pioneering research on who finalized the manuscript of Journey to the West and whether the novel was related to the teachings and Taoist priests of Quanzhen. 摘要日本学者太田辰夫、矶部彰和中野美代子等,在探求《西游记》定稿人与全真教教义及其道士的关系方面,进行了许多开拓性的研究。
- Submergence creates a unique environment for rice growth and nutrition and increases availability of nutrients (Shouichi Yoshida 1981). 淹水条件创造出水稻生长、养分和提高养分有效性的独特环境(ShouichiYoshida,1981)。