- Desolate army is 30 time of 20 centuries " northeast writer group " crackajack delegate. 萧军是20世纪30年代“东北作家群”的杰出代表。
- Tracing to the Source of the Baima Lake Writers Group 白马湖作家群溯源
- I read about the writer's suicide in an evening newspaper. 我是从一份晚报上读到关于那位作家自杀的消息的。
- Such a book does credit to the writer. 这样的书给作者带来声誉。
- Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous writer. 数百名的崇拜者包围了这位著名作家。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- In class he descanted on his favorite writer. 课堂上他详细论述了自己喜爱的作家。
- He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。
- I rank her among the country's best writers. 我认为她可属全国最优秀作家之列。
- He lectured to his students on modern writers. 他给学生们讲了关于现代作家的一课。
- The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people. 那群野蛮的士兵杀了很多人。
- He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。
- The group was made up of doctors. 这个团体是由医生组成的。
- This cafe is a rendezvous for writers and artists. 这家小餐馆是作家和艺术家经常聚会的地方。
- It is interesting to contrast the two writers. 将这两位作家加以比较是很有意思的。
- A group of boys dashed out of the classroom. 一群男孩子从教室里冲出来。
- I come upon a group of children play in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍。
- She bids fair to be a popular writer. 她很有希望成为一位受欢迎的作家。
- He goes about with a group of nice boys. 他经常和一群好孩子在一起玩。