- Why all this sudden change? 何以变卦?
- What is the motivation behind this sudden change? 这种突然转变背后的动机是什么?
- Why all this emptiness despite our wealth? 为什么财富带来了空虚?
- I was shocked at this sudden change in their attitude. 他们的态度突然改变,使我感到震惊。
- We hadn't bargained for this sudden change in the weather. 我们没有预料到这样的天气突变。
- Serious complications may arise from this sudden change of plans. 突变的计划可能会导致严重的纠纷。
- He answered unhurriedly, "Why all this haste? Is it not raining ahead? 他慢吞吞地回答说,“急什么?前面不也在下雨吗?
- Why all this fuss with paper and pens and ballot boxes when machines can simplify the whole task? 那么,当机器可以简化整个选举工作时为什么还要用纸、笔和票箱将选举搞得这么繁琐忙乱呢?
- But, again, if persons are incompetent to judge for themselves, then why all this talk about universal suffrage? 但是,同样的,如果人民没有能力自我判断,那么为什么所有人都在谈论普选?
- Scientists don't know exactly why all this is so, nor do they know the exact make-up or temperature of the core. 科学家不知道为什么一切会是这样的确切原因,也不知道地心的具体构成和温度。
- Why all this formality between old friends like us? Anybody would think we were strangers! 你我老朋友还那么客气干什么?太见外了。
- Why this sudden change? 为什么突然改变?
- Why all this mad rush? 为什麽要这样急急忙忙的?
- Since driving was his original occupation, his rationale for this sudden change of mind was it would still be a driving job in Malaya. 驾驶是他本来的职业,他的意思是到马来亚,也不外乎是驾驶。
- Since driving was his original occupation,his rationale for this sudden change of mind was it would still be a driving job in Malaya. 驾驶是他本来的职业,他的意思是到马来亚,也不外乎是驾驶。
- This sudden cold, sudden changes in heat must use special materials and protective layer. 这种骤冷、骤热的变化必须要使用特殊的材料及防护层。
- Making sense Scientists don't know exactly why all this is so, nor do they know the exact make-up or temperature of the core. 科学家不知道为什么一切会是这样的确切原因,也不知道地心的具体构成和温度。爆炸要达到里氏七级地震的强度才行。
- This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy. 这一情况出现得很突然,把我们的计划全都打乱了。
- The populace at large are opposed to sudden change. 人民群众普遍反对突然实行的变革。
- Why all this haste? 为什么这么匆忙?