- As we walked in the dark street, we sang songs and talked loudly. 当我们在黑洞洞的街上走路时我们高声地唱歌说话。
- We sang as we walked. 我们边走边唱歌。
- Dolphins and whales like to sing as we swim. 我们海豚鲸鱼当游动时喜爱吟唱。
- As we walked away, he wound up his story. 我们走开了,他讲的故事也就结束了。
- We started two birds as we walked in the wood. 我们在树林里散步时惊起了两只鸟。
- As we walked away,he wound up his story. 我们走开了,他讲的故事也就结束了。
- We saw several ships as we walked along the shore. 当我们沿岸行走时,看到几艘船。
- The birds circled lazily overhead as we walked. 我们走路时,鸟儿们懒洋洋地在我们头顶盘旋。
- We startled two birds as we walked in the wood. 我们在树林里散步时惊起了两只鸟。
- We gave it a wide clearance as we walked past. 当我们走过时,我们留出了一个宽阔的距离。
- In it the animals get to vocalize and we all get a chance to laugh as we sing. 歌中的动物发出声音。我们唱这首歌时都有机会欢笑。
- As we walked along, we saw a rabbit pop up from its burrow and scurry across the field. 我们正在向前走着,看到一只兔子突然从洞里跳出来,穿过田野。
- It lightninged just as we walked out of the building. 就在我们走出大楼时打起闪来了。
- The sun was shining in our faces as we walked to school. 我们步行上学时,太阳正照射着我们。
- Well, let's watch as we walk along. 咱们还是边走边看。
- Dear teachers and classmates, for the fadeless memory, let's dance happily, let's sing as much as we like! 为了这永不褪色的记忆,老师们,同学们、唱吧,跳吧!
- As we walked faster than they did,we soon caught them up. 我们走得比他们快,一会儿就赶上了他们。
- As we walked faster than they did, we soon caught them up. 我们走得比他们快,一会儿就赶上了他们。
- At noon the sun beat down on our heads as we walked home. 我们中午回家时正是烈日当头。
- As we walked along the seashore we saw lots of tiny crabs. 我们在海岸上散步时看到很多小蟹。