- Pyelectasis with or without ureteral dilatation. 肾盂扩张伴有或不伴有尿道扩张。
- Conclusions: The ureteral dilatation and the ureter ureteroscope inserting into the ureter under the guide of ureteral staff were the keys of success of lithotomy. 结论:吊瓶加注射器灌注、未行输尿管扩张、无引导导丝指示、未置输尿管引流是造成输尿管损伤的重要原因。输尿管扩张术和在引导导丝指示下进镜是手术成功的关键。
- ureteric dilator with inflatable balloon 带膨胀气囊的输尿管扩张器
- Ureteric dilatation 输尿管扩张
- Other findings included calcification, septa, mucinous masses, pleural effusion, and ureteral dilation. 其他少见征象包括钙化、分隔、黏液性团块、胸腔积液、输尿管扩张等。
- Results There were different degrees of the ureter dilation in all the 177 cases on sonograms, and 159 cases complicated with hydronephrosis. 结果超声显示177例输尿管均有不同程度的扩张,其中159例有不同程度的肾积水。
- Causing dilatation of the pupils. 瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的
- Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes. (细)支气管扩张支气管的慢性扩张
- There is progressive ventricular dilatation. 渐进发展的脑室扩大。
- Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication. 急性胃扩张是一种罕有的并发症。
- Results The success rate of ESWL for ureteric stones was 95.9%. 结果ESWL治疗输尿管结石成功116例(95.;9%25)。
- Results:26 of 28 cases with ureteric cystostomy were successful. 行输尿管膀胱吻合术28例,其中先行肾造瘘术,二期行输尿管膀胱吻合术5例。
- Materials and Methods:Thirty-two patients with ureteric obstruction of various causes were treated with percutaneous nephrostomy, ureteric calculus removal, stricture dilatation and stent placement. 材料与方法:32例输尿管梗阻患者,分别采用肾盂造口内外引流,经皮取石及球囊扩张等方法进行治疗。
- Results:Drainage of obstructed kidney was successfully performed in all patients, ureteric stones were removed in 5 patients, most of patients treated with stricture dilatation and stent placement. 结果:5例患者成功取出结石,其余患者均成功进行了肾盂造口内外引流,部分同时进行狭窄部位扩张。
- After natural abortion must dilatation and curettage? 自然流产后必须刮宫吗?
- Conclusion ESWL is a significant method to the treatment of ureteric stones. 结论ESWL是治疗输尿管结石的重要方法。
- ureteric dilator 输尿管扩张器
- As dilatation occurs, capillaries become abnormally permeable to proteins. 随着扩张的发生,毛细血管对蛋白变得异常地易于渗透。
- Apply Soft Ureteral Dilator for Urethra Stenosis (37 Cases Report) 采用软式输尿管扩张器治疗尿道狭窄(附37例报道)
- There are dilatation of blood sinus, hemolysis, macrophage reactions erc. 脾血窦扩张、溶血及巨噬细胞反应等现象;