- University of York of England 英国约克大学
- Newman, then at the University of York in England, showed that the singularity was again gravitationally weak. Newman)再度证实了这种奇异点的重力并不强劲。
- On Christmas Day William was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York. 在圣诞节当天,约克大主教在威斯敏斯特加冕威廉为英格兰国王。
- After him, the Archbishop of York is called the primate of England and under these two archbishops come a number of bishops. 之后,约克大主教继任英国教会领袖,这两个大主教下面有一批小主教。
- Anglo-Saxon England perished with Harold's death. William was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York. 随着哈罗德德死亡,安各鲁撒克逊人的英国消失了,在威斯敏斯特大教堂,约克大主教加冕威廉为英格兰国王。
- In 944 the last Scandinavian ruler of York was expelled, and Northumbria became an earldom within the kingdom of England. 944年来自斯堪的那维亚的最后一任统治者被赶走,诺森伯里亚成为英格兰王国的一个伯爵领地。
- For his final year project at the University of the West of England, James Dunlop came up with a material that can be recycled. 对于在英国的西部大学他的最后年计画,詹姆士邓禄普提出能被使再循环的材料。
- Ottoline Leyser from the University of York says that after a plant is pruned, all the inhibited shoot tips compete with each other to grow. {芽体} 约克大学的奥特林,癞子认为植株经过修剪后,所有受到生长抑制的芽苞的生长具有竞争性,相互影响性。
- Robert Swainson, a 19-year-old student at Warwick University of England, who was one of the first 3,000 people to sign up on the Dreamcast website. Robert Swainson 是英国warwick大学一名19岁的学生,也是首批访问Dreamcast网页的3,000网民之一。
- A team of researchers, from the University of England and Denmark, have found that to eat carrots can reduce the risk of cancer. 英国和丹麦的科学家日前发现,胡萝卜中含有的某种成分可以减少患癌症的危险。
- The east of England is mainly an open cultivated plain, narrowing in North Yorkshire to a passage (Vale of York) between coastal moors and the Pennines, and in Northumberland to a coastal strip. 英格兰东部主要是开阔的种植平原,逐渐变窄后至北约克镇成为了连接海岸沼泽与奔宁山脉的通道(约克谷)在偌森伯兰构成海岸狭窄地带。
- Prince Charles will be the next king of England. 查尔斯王子将是英国的下一位国王。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- Dr Chris Alford, a sleep psychologist from the University of the West of England, says that “sleep conflicts” often will result in relationship conflicts. 英国西部大学的一位睡眠心理学家,克里斯阿福德博士说:“睡眠冲突最终会导致两人的关系冲突。”
- York shire is in the north of England. 约克郡在英国北部。
- Bristol is in the west of England. 布里斯托尔位於英格兰的西部。
- The State University of New York College. 大学布法罗学院。
- Elizabeth II is queen of England in her own right. 伊莉莎白二世因本身之继承权而成为英国女王。
- I enrolled at the University of Vienna. 我报名就读于维也纳大学。
- Henry IV usurped the throne of England. 亨利四世篡夺了英国的王位。