- Unit Level Circuit Switching System 单元级线路转接系统
- Unit Level Circuit Switch 单元级电路开关
- A computer device that converts between circuit switch telephony protocols and VoIP protocols. 一种可在电路交换式电话协议和VoIP协议之间转换的计算机设备。
- At an enterprise or business unit level, information-sharing requirements naturally become more sophisticated. 在企业或企业单位级别,对信息共享的要求自然变得更加复杂。
- Lastly, based on ASIC design flow, the RTL level circuit scheme of the VQ image coding system is suggested and synthesized in the available technology library. 西安理工大学硕士学位论文最后,基于ASIC的设计方法,对整个图像编码系统进行了RTL级的硬件设计,并在现有l_艺库条件卜对该设计进行了综合和时序验证。
- VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) techniques prompt the transfer of audio service from circuit switch to package-based switch. VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol,IP电话)技术的发展促使语音业务从物理电路交换到数据报分组交换的转变。
- Unit Level 3) Grunts are meaty Tier One units. They're easily the strongest Tier One unit available but have no special skills. (单位等级3)第1级肉搏部队(步兵是第0级)。尤其强壮意味着难以被杀死,同样意味着如果被杀死敌人将得到更多经验和金钱。无特殊技能。
- The circuit switching still has strong innings left on its card. 电路交换仍有取胜的机会。
- A number of sets of criteria and indicators have since been developed to evaluate the achievement of SFM at both the country and management unit level. 许多套标准和指标已经被用来评估可持续森林管理在乡下和基本管理单位级别的成效。
- The design of strip Blumlein line was presented with the polymer-composite as energy storage dielectric and GaAs-PCSS as circuit switch. 以陶瓷聚合物复合介质作为储能介质,砷化镓光导半导体开关作为开关,设计了带状Blumlein线并对其进行了实验研究。
- The noncrystalline material is used as the iron core of transformer and MOS-FET is employed for the main circuit switch elements. 该电源选用了非晶态磁性材料作为高频变压器的铁心;采用场效应管作为逆变器的开关元件;
- Circuit switching sets up an end-to-end open connection. 电路交换会建立端到端的开放连接。
- STM has all the inefficiencies associated with circuit switching. STM有所有电路交换的低效之处.
- This paper presents a soft-switch power converter circuit with IGBT, which provides ZCS condition to the main switches.The auxiliary circuit switch can operate with ZCS or ZVS. 文中提出了一种使用绝缘栅双极晶体管IGBT的软开关功率变换电路,为主开关提供了零电流开关ZCS的条件,谐振电路开关也能通过零电压开关ZVS或者零电流开关ZCS实现转换;
- Local computer administrators have the right to specify trusted publishers on the local computer, but enterprise administrators have the right to specify trusted publishers on an organizational unit level. 本地计算机管理员有权在本地计算机上指定受信任的发布服务器,而企业管理员有权在组织单元级别指定受信任的发布服务器。
- The second is that the level circuit adopted by azimuth compass aligning circuit can only be two-order and can't be three-order,but as a matter of fact,three-order level circuit can be ado... 方位罗经对准回路中;水平回路只能采用二阶调平回路;而不能采用三阶调平回路;而事实上采用三阶调平回路照样可以实现方位罗经自对准.;分析了原因;并给出了方位罗经对准原理更确切的描述
- The distribution pattern of oil and water layers in the reser-voirs are researched at fluid flow unit level through ana-lyzing the interior structure of subtle reservoirs above and belo... 通过解剖层序边界上下的隐蔽油气藏的内部结构,从储层流动单元层次上研究了油藏内部的油水层分布规律,得出‘在构造坡折带高分辨率层序地层边界是有利的隐蔽油气聚集带’这一结论。
- Besides, the Karnaugh map method and algebra method are presented for designing component level circuits. 此外,本文提出元件级电路设计的卡诺图方法和代数方法。
- This standard applies to non FSC-certified forest management enterprises and applies to wood sources being supplied as controlled. The standard is applied at the forest management unit level. 本标准适用于非FSC认证的营林企业以及供应可控木材的森林经营单位。
- By far the most popular serial interface between a computer and its CRT terminal is the asynchronous serial interface, and between a circuit switch and its telephone terminal, the synchronous one. 在计算机与其显示终端之间最为常见的串行接口是异步串行接口,而在电路交换机与其电话终端之间最为常见的串行接口是同步串行接口。