- Formation and status quo of swamp in Three River plain 三江平原沼泽形成及现状
- Drought Relief Measures and Irrigation in Lowland of Three River Plain 三江平原易涝地区抗旱灌溉问题
- Through Export-Oriented to Improve three River Plain Agricultural Industrial Structure 通过外向化牵动三江平原农业产业结构调整
- Flood waters inundate the river plain each spring. 沿河两岸的平原每年春天都洪水泛滥。
- It's the confluence of three rivers. 这就是三条江合流的地方。
- This is the place where three rivers meet. 这是三条河流汇集的地方。
- Topographic Distortion of a Cold Front over the Snake River Plain and Central Idaho Mountains. 斯内克河平原及爱达荷山脉中部上空冷锋的地形畸变。
- South to the Alps, the Carpathian Mountains, east of Hungary are the Danube River Plain. 南为阿尔卑斯山脉、喀尔巴阡山脉;东有多瑙河流域的匈牙利平原。
- On May 12, 2008, sichuan short of Wenshui River plain produce shake of 8 class earth. 2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生8.;0级大地震。
- The 30 kings of Shang dynasty ruled a largely agricultural society that was established in the Yellow River Plain from the mountains of Shansi to the Shangtung massif. 商朝的30位国王统治了从山西向山东的黄河平原地层,建立了一个重要的农业社会。
- Three rivers flow together!Horse tooth steel ends at tip? 三江并流!马牙嵌钢到剑尖处就没了?
- Ever deeper they went into the mountains, ever further they got away from the main battleground of the Yellow River Plain. 他们越深入山区,离开黄河平原的主要战场就越远。
- The area of "Headwaters of Three River" is located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which has the richest biodiversity. 摘要“三江源”有“中华水塔”之称,是世界高海拔区生物多样性最丰富、最集中的地区之一。
- The30 kings of Shang dynasty ruled a largely agricultural society that was established in the Yellow River Plain from the mountains of Shansi to the Shangtung massif. 商朝的30位国王统治了从山西向山东的黄河平原地层,建立了一个重要的农业社会。
- Its narrow course, with its "nine turns and eighteen bends", zigzags across the river plain and the autumn moon shining on its waters looks especially poetic. 桃花江河道狭窄,迂回曲折,素有九曲十八弯之誉。桃花江月夜景色更美,“阳江秋月”是古代桂林八景之一。
- To get from Hanchung to Chengtu three rivers had to be crossed by wooden raft. 文物由汉中运往成都,其间要过三条河,全靠木筏载送。
- Those aquifers in Asia, especially in the Heilongjiang-Amur River plain and the Yili River basin along the national boundary of China are examined and evaluated. 对这些含水层,特别是我国边界上的黑龙江-阿穆尔河平原和伊犁河谷含水层进行了评价;
- The Qianjiang Tidal Bore Festival, the Red Bayberry Festival of the Dus and Three River Delicious Food Festival will be held during the 2006 World Leisure Expo. 钱江观潮节、杜家杨梅节和三江美食节将在2006世界休闲博览会期间召开。
- Three river sources are the key ecological and environmental protection area in our country since their changes directly relate to ecological safety of our country. 三江源区是我国生态与环境保护的关键地区,其生态与环境的变化直接关系到我国的生态安全。