- The uneven political and economic development of China gives rise to the uneven development of her revolution. 由于中国政治经济发展的不平衡,产生了革命发展的不平衡。
- The uneven development in the Chinese countryside became marked. Quite a number of low-income people could not meet their basic needs for subsistence. 中国农村发展不平衡问题凸现出来,低收入人口中有相当一部分人经济收入不能维持其生存的基本需要。
- Owing to the uneven development of the economy and other historical reasons,China has long had a large number of illiterates. 由于经济发展不平衡及其他历史原因,中国长期存在着大量文盲。
- The uneven development means that a big gap still exists between different regions and between urban and rural areas in the process of development. 所谓发展很不平衡,是指地区之间、城乡之间,发展水平差距不
- One of the important reasons for the uneven development of Socio-Economic in Gansu Province is due to the regional diversity of population. 摘要人口发展的区域差异是甘肃省社会经济发展不平衡的重要表现之一,也是其不平衡的重要原因之一。
- For all that,China's revolutionary war will remain a protracted one; this follows from the strength of imperialism and the uneven development of the revolution. 虽然如此,中国革命战争还是持久战,帝国主义的力量和革命发展的不平衡,规定了这个持久性。
- However,owing to the uneven development of regional economies,the central and west regions,particularly the latter, now,in general,lag behind the coastal areas in east China. 但由于以往地域经济发展不平衡,中西部地区特别是西部地区,相对落后于中国东部沿海地区。
- However, owing to the uneven development of regional economies, the central and west regions, particularly the latter, now, in general, lag behind the coastal areas in east China. 但由于以往地域经济发展不平衡,中西部地区特别是西部地区,相对落后于中国东部沿海地区。
- For all that, China's revolutionary war will remain a protracted one; this follows from the strength of imperialism and the uneven development of the revolution. 虽然如此,中国革命战争还是持久战,帝国主义的力量和革命发展的不平衡,规定了这个持久性。
- The car bumped on the uneven surface of the gravel road. 汽车在高低不平的砾石路面上颠簸着。
- He stumbled on the uneven ground. 他在凹凸不平地面上绊倒了。
- The Uneven Development of Communication in Contemporary China 我国当代社会的传播失衡
- He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face. 他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。
- The Uneven Development of Border Areas in the Qing Dynasty:An Perspective from the Angle of Economic Demography 清代边疆开发不平衡性:一个从人口经济学角度的考察
- On the Uneven Development of Tourism in the Three Gorges Area and Some Creative Strategies 三峡库区旅游业发展的非均衡性及发展战略创新
- We were driving on the uneven country road. 我们驾车行驶在凹凸不平的乡间路上。
- The bench tips on the uneven floor. 长凳在高低不平的地面上倾斜着。
- The uneven bed planks always hurt me when I sleep. 床板不平,睡觉时总搁着我。
- He stumbled on the uneven ground and fell on his face. 他在不平的地面上绊了一脚,摔了个嘴啃泥。
- Their possibility is increased by China's uneven political and economic development, and the consequent uneven development of the revolution. 由于中国政治经济的不平衡,以及由此而生的革命发展的不平衡,增大了这种破裂的可能性。