- The Pope Crowns Charlemagne 教皇给查理曼加冕
- The triple crown worn by the pope. 教皇所戴的三重冕
- The Pope has no temporal power in modern society. 教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。
- The pope is known as the vicar of Christ. 教皇被称做基督的代理者。
- The whole village turned out to welcome the pope. 全村的人都出来欢迎教皇。
- The whole city turned out to cheer the Pope. 全城居民倾巢而出欢迎教皇。
- The priest was appointed the legate by the pope. 这位牧师被教皇指定为他的高级使节。
- Leo had no doubt that Charlemagne received his emperor's crown because, and only because, he, the Pope, willed it in the name of God. 利奥相信查理曼接受皇冠,是因为他这个教皇代表了神的名义。
- The Pope was present at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. 教皇参加了伊丽莎白二世的加冕礼。
- He's a Catholic convert, and rather oppressively more papist than the Pope. 他皈依了天主教,而且比教皇还要虔诚,叫人难以忍受。
- The Pope was met with enthusiastic cheering as he stepped from the plane. 红衣主教走下飞机时,受到人们的热情欢呼。
- He was crowned by the Pope in Paris, taking the crown from the Pope and putting it upon his own head himself as Charlemagne had directed. 教皇在巴黎为他加冕,他从教皇手中接过王冠,自己戴在头上,就像查理大帝以前教导的那样。
- The Pope received a group of Polish pilgrims. 教皇接见了一批来自波兰的朝圣者。
- The Pope will visit Britain next year. 教皇明年将访问英国。
- The penalty may be remitted only by the Pope. 这项刑罚只能由教皇给予赦免。
- The Pope retreats to Castelgondolfo every summer. 罗马教皇每年夏天都退避到圣得罗。
- Eisenhower introduced his entourage to the Pope. 艾森豪威尔向教皇介绍了自己的随行人员。
- But the Pope is far from his only admirer. 但是,教皇远非唯一赞美他的人。
- Do you have to teach the Pope how to pray? 你能教教皇怎样祈祷吗?
- Cept for the pope maybe in rome. 也许除了罗马的教皇。