- Circumstances have compelled a change of plan. 因情况所迫,计划已经改变。
- The lack of plan leads to overproduction of cars. 缺乏计划导致汽车生产过剩。
- The status of a person on probation. 察看在服缓刑(或在受察看)的状况
- The status of a married woman under common law. 有夫之妇的身份普通法中已婚妇女的身份
- What's the status of the peace talks? 目前和谈的情况如何?
- Everybody is pissed off (with all the changes of plan). 大家(对计划的诸多变动)均感厌烦。
- Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant. 很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。
- All your changes of plan have made me totally confused. 你把计划改来改去,我都糊涂了。
- The degree or status of a doctor as conferred by a university. 博士学位大学授予的博士学位或身份
- The statue of Washington was as large as life. 华盛顿的塑像和真人一般大小。
- Originality outcrops in the course of planning. 创造能力在拟定计划的过程中显露出来。
- He commissioned a statue of his wife. 他请人制作他妻子的雕像。
- My promotion brings into question the status of certain other members of staff. 提升我後某些职员的地位就成了问题。
- Let us now discuss the question of planning. (八八)现在来说计划性。
- We need to upgrade the pay and status of doctor. 我们需要提高医生的工资和地位。
- I have no habit of planning ahead. 我没有提前计划的习惯。
- Vicki: Wow! That's a lot of planning. 啊;有这么多安排.
- The condition or status of one who is venerated. 尊敬某人被尊敬的情况或状况
- Planning compilation is the planning of planning. 规划编制是“规划的规划”。
- The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。