- Single Yarn Tension 单纱张力
- To measure tensile strength and breaking elongation of single yarn. 测定单根纱线的抗拉断裂强力断裂伸长。
- Structure design of elastomer is the key step of yarn tension sensor design. 摘要弹性体的结构设计是纱线张力传感器设计的关键。
- Used for direct twist measurement of single yarn and plied yarn by counting. 用于单纱、股纱等进行直接计数法捻度测定。
- Used for measure yarn tension of thread-making, warping and twisting under moving or static statues. 用于测定制线、整经、捻线等纺织工程中移动或静止状态下的纱线张力。
- Used to measure yarn tension of thread-making, warping and twisting and twisting under moving or static statues. 测定制线、整经、捻线等纺织工程中移动或静止状态下的纱线张力。
- The surfaces of wool single yarn are covered by soluble polyvinyl alcohol using friction spinning. 利用摩擦纺技术将可溶性维纶以一定包覆比包覆于毛单纱表面。
- The first one is considered to bleached yarn of different single yarn strength, and the other is considered to barb height of tin fillet. 经过分析 ,认为第一种小断纬是因单纱强力不同的漂白纱混批造成的 ,第二种小断纬则是刺毛铁皮刺高所引起。
- To measure tensile strength and breaking elongation of single yarn aummatically and to print out all test data and statistic results. 用于全自动测定单根纱线的断裂强力和断裂伸长,打印测试数据和统计结果。
- In the course of vinylon dissolution,yarn tension should be adjusted in time,concentration of vinylon dissolving in water should be taken attention,waste water should be exhausted and new hot water should be input. 在退维时,应及时调整纱线的退维张力,并密切注意水中维纶溶解的浓度,及时排出废水,输入新的热水。
- Cable-spun yarn exhibits high strength,few hairines and good against-friction property,which greatly improve the weavability of the single yarn. 缆型纺纱线强力高、毛羽较少、耐磨性好,单纱可织造性显著提高。
- The natural frequency of elastomer was elevated through optimization of elastomer in computer simulation environment, and finally the stability of yarn tension sensor was improved. 在计算机仿真环境下对弹性体结构进行优化设计,提高了弹性体结构的固有频率,从而使纱线张力传感器的稳定性得到提高。
- Single yarn strength CV, yarn weight CV, evenness CV, slubs and yarn defects closely relate with rotor spinning yarn quality. 单强CV值与质量CV值、条干CV值、粗细节、纱疵密切相关,是衡量气流纱质量的重要指标;
- This article builds a universal relation between the diffusion of the strip and the correlative parameters, which bases on the analysis of the yarn tension and movement in strip winding. 从条带卷绕时的纱线受力和运动分析出发,建立了条带的扩散程度与相关参数之间的一般关系。
- This paper analysed and contrasted the structures of polyester and viscose complex yarn, polyester and viscose ply yarn, pure polyester single yarn and pure viscose single yarn. 对涤粘复合纱、粘股线、涤单纱及纯粘单纱的结构进行了分析和对比。
- The result of subentry statistic shows that the main influence factors on twist irregularity are spindle speed, input speed of folded yarn and single yarn evenness. 因素分项统计结果表明,锭速、股线输入速度、单纱条干均匀度是影响股线捻度不匀的主要因素。
- This paper analysed and contrasted the structures of polyester and viscose complex yarn,polyester and viscose ply yarn,pure polyester single yarn and pure viscose single yarn. 对涤粘复合纱、涤粘股线、纯涤单纱及纯粘单纱的结构进行了分析和对比。
- With twist-against-twist composite yarn, the correlation between breaking strength, breaking elongation ratio and twist of single yarn, twist of composite yarn are an... 在复合纱线反向加捻的情况下,通过试验分析了复合纱线断裂强力、断裂伸长率与单纱捻度、复合纱线捻度之间的关系。
- Dynamic Testing Method for Yarn Tension 纱线张力动态测试方法
- Fuzzy Control of the Yarn Tension 纱线恒张力模糊控制方法的研究