- She must be asleep. 她准睡觉了。
- She must be made to comply with the rules. 必须强迫她遵守这些规则。
- She must be in the television studio at the moment. 她现在一定在电视演播室。
- Judging by her accent, she must be from Sichuan. 听她的口音,她准是四川人。
- She lay there inert, I thought she must be dead. 她躺在那儿一动不动,我想她一定是死了。
- Judging by her accent, she must be a Southerner. 从她的口音判断,她准是南方人。
- Judging by her accent, she must be from the North. 从她的口音判断,她一定是北方人。
- The doctors had to warn her, she must be prepared for the worst. 大夫们不得不把情况告诉她,她必须做最坏的准备。
- Judging from her accent, she must be from the North. 从她的口音判断,她一定是北方人。
- Mrs White buys her children everything they want. She must be made of money. 怀特太太的孩子们要什么她就给他们买什么,她一定是钱多得用不完。
- She must be out of her mind to act in that way. 她那样干,一定是精神不正常。
- She must be on the wrong side of 40 by now. 她现在谅必四十开外了。
- She must be out of her senses to act in that way. 她那样做肯定是神志不清。
- She does such foolish things that she must be completely off her chump. 她竟干出这样的蠢事来,一定是发了疯。
- Judged by her accent,she must be from the north. 从她的口音判断,她一定是北方人。
- Judging by her accent,she must be from Sichuan. 听她的口音,她准是四川人。
- Going by her clothes,she must be very rich. 从她的衣服推断,她准是很富有。
- She must be very cute. What's her name ? 一定很可爱,她叫什么名字?
- She can't be Danish. She must be Norwegian. 她不会是丹麦人。她一定是挪威人。
- She lay there inert; I thought she must be dead. 她躺在那儿一动不动; 我想她一定死了.