- Seawater crabs 海水蟹类
- The local people regard these crabs as a great delicacy. 当地人认为这些螃蟹是珍馐美味。
- A crab nipped my toe while I was paddling. 我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了。
- It was his misfortune to catch a crab in the last spurt. 他真倒霉,到了最后一刹那竟有一桨没划好。
- If this throw comes off crabs, there won't be enough to bury me. 要是这一下再完蛋,我连棺材本都不够了。
- I like to stand in seawater and sport in summer. 夏天我喜欢站在海水里嬉戏。
- I often go to the beach to catch shrimps and crabs. 我经常到海滩去捉小虾和螃蟹。
- Fill kill and choke valves with seawater. 将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水。
- A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed. 退潮时,一只蟹被困留在沙滩上。
- They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater. 他们刷了一层油漆以防止船只被海水氧化。
- Salt is a component of seawater. 盐是海水的一个构成成份。
- The coastal waters teem with fat crabs. 连片的蟹滩为盘锦生态增添了勃勃生机。
- Breeding technology for seawater fishes, shrimps, shellfish, algae, crabs and the technology for seawater breedings. 海水鱼、虾、贝、藻、蟹养殖技术及海水养殖品种育苗技术。
- Eating crabs has brought John out in spots again. 约翰吃了螃蟹又生皮疹了。
- Do you think the seawater is going up year by year? 你认为海水会逐年上涨吗?
- They sell aquatic products, e.g. crabs and shrimps. 他们卖水产品,比如说螃蟹和虾。
- It's all seawater surrounding the island! 这周围可都是海水呀!
- Tomatoes Grown In Seawater Healthier Than. 用海水浇灌的西红柿更健康。
- The seawater has already inundated the beach. 海水已经漫过滩涂。
- I don't like crabs because they have hard shells. 因为螃蟹壳硬,我不喜欢吃螃蟹。