- In backward consumption, the system looks for the planned independent requirement quantity that exists directly before the sales order. 在向后消耗中,系统寻找在销售订单以前存在的计划独立需求数量进行消耗。
- The statistics and forecasting of output and requirement quantity show that the output of steel cord trends more than sales volume and bead wire develops towards several diameters and high strength. 对钢帘线及胎圈钢丝的产量和需求量进行统计和预测,钢帘线有产大于销的发展趋势,胎圈钢丝向多规格、高强度方面发展。
- The cultivated Rheum required quantity has an increase for the Fe, Mn, Co, and decrease for the Zn, Cu, Ni element nutrition with the growth age changes. 随着生长年龄增加种植大黄对铁、锰、钴元素营养需求量有所增加,对锌、铜、镍元素营养的需求量略减。
- Pakistan Railways have floated a tender of the precurement of Rope pulley complete order No. 82665240 for 140 tons lifting capacity crane. Required Quantity 42 Nos. 巴基斯坦铁路为养护绳索轮招标,标号为82665240,需要140吨运载能力的起重机,数量为42台。
- I want Used Barudan 20 Head embroidery machines: Required Quantity: 6 machines. Models: BEMR, BENS AND BEDS. Heads : 18 to 20. Required Area is: 275 x 450 275 x 600 300 x 600 300 x... 查看“机械及工业制品-行业专用机械设备-纺织服装机械”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- As you require exact requirement quantities for MRP, this means that you can work with particularly low safety stocks . 当你需要MRP的准确的需求数量时,就意味着,就能够在一个特别低的安全库存下运转。
- In the consumption process, the system compares planned independent requirement quantities and dates with actual customer requirements. 在消耗处理中,系统用计划独立需求的数量及日期与实际的客户需求作比较。
- In our work quality counts for as much as quantity. 在我们的工作中,质量跟数量同等重要。
- Ifs cheaper to buy goods in quantity. 大量地购物要便宜些。
- Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need. 足够的足以满足要求或需求的
- Our immediate requirement is extra staff. 我们亟需增加工作人员。
- A quantity of unknown numerical value. 未知数数值不明的一个数量
- The same requirement holds good for all applicants. 这同一条件适用于所有的申请人。
- We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity. 我们用x表示一个未知数。
- Time, place, quantity and quality are categories. 时、空、质、量都是范畴。
- Quality often matters more than quantity. 质量往往比数量更重要。
- For the moment we cannot supply your requirement from stock. 目前我们没有现货供应你方的需求。
- They cannot (choose) but admit that our requirement is reasonable. 他们不得不承认我们的要求是合理的。
- This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity. 这家公司对质量比对产量更重视。
- Of medium or average quantity or extent. 中等的中等的或一般的数量或范围的